Purpurite Meaning: Healing Properties, Benefits and Uses

Purpurite is a crystal that is made from a mineral known as primary manganese phosphate. It also contains certain amounts of other components which are responsible for giving its color. Other components that are present in this crystal are manganese as well as iron. It has a typical purple color.
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What is Purpurite?
Generally, Purpurite crystal is not crystallized in dispersed form but it still has an enormous size as well as a smooth surface. This crystal is trendy due to its patterns and the bright color on its surface. This crystal has gorgeous spirals that are made from purple color. It also has ripples on its surface that are made from different shades of purple color naturally.
Purpurite is one of the most amazing crystals that are formed by mother nature. It is also known to relieve psychic or psychological anxiety due to different shades of color. This illumination has a purple as well as a lilac hue to it. It is also known to have many healing powers due to which people like to wear this crystal.
How to Identify a Purpurite?
- Purpurite Cuts
Owing to its nickel and sulfide-based composition, Pyrrhotite cuts are most often in the form of closely pack hexagonal crystals. These gemstones are rarely obtained by themselves and are found with other naturally shaped gems and crystals. This is a determining factor in the natural shape of the crystals when initially extracted.
- Purpurite Shapes
Purpurite sparkles when used to fabricate various items like adornments, embellishments, enrichments, dolls, carvings, utensils, plates, geodes, tumbles, precious stones, pearls, knickknacks, charms, and preferences. These items are enormous online and offered to many individuals.
This crystal is present in many shapes as well as forms. They are made into different shades when they are made a part of different kinds of jewelry and other artifacts. This crystal is made into different shapes and sizes according to jewelry, accessories, decorations, figurines, carvings, utensils, plates, geodes, tumbles, crystals, gems, trinkets, talismans, and other such materials. These products are sold to many people online in enormous quantities and also traded in various countries.
Where is Purpurite Found?
Purpurite can be found in many locations in the USA, France, Portugal, Namibia, Australia, and Sweden.
Purpurite Stone Meaning
This crystal has a deep meaning that most people can understand. This crystal is also used to connect with the divine nature and understand it deeply. You will be able to reconnect with your nature when all the blocks are removed from your subconsciousness as well as the mind that might be blocking your path.
The vibrations that are reflected by this crystal are also very useful for people that are unable to communicate in a crowd. They will get full confidence and communicate with a group of people and even a crowd easily when they have this crystal with them. Many people are afraid to take part in new opportunities due to various reasons.
Pyrrhotite Meaning in Ancient Lore and History
This crystal also gives confidence to people to take part in new opportunities with civility as well as subtlety. It will also make your mind smart so that no other person would be able to take advantage of your skills and capabilities. It generates a feeling of self-love and self-awareness through which you can understand your potential and both according to it and move to the higher levels. It also promotes the connection to metaphysical parts of nature and clarity.
It will offer you a solid as well as a clean connection to the metaphysical Universe to understand and have clarity. It will also protect your psychic levels. It will also develop a level of spirituality in your mind and soul so that you can be on that path forever and understand its importance. It will also convert bad energy into positive energy. It will make possible some extraordinary things for you in your life and change your life completely in ways you cannot think of. You will be able to anchor yourself as well as your thoughts more carefully and effectively when you have this crystal around you.
Purpurite Crystal Properties
There are many healing properties of this crystal. These properties are mentioned below. Other than the healing properties some physical properties of this crystal include a smooth surface. It has purple color and ripples and spiral patterns all around it which makes it look pretty beautiful.
Purpurite Healing Properties
This crystal promotes healing in many ways. It is used to activate as well as heal higher levels of Chakras Opportunities to link the third eye as well as the Crown Chakras with adjacent frequencies. This crystal also helps in the development of consciousness as well as awareness in a person. It also creates awareness around that person so that he can stay away from all types of distractions and concentrate on his goal. It is also responsible to relax all kinds of thoughts that run through your head and third eye.
You can be more peaceful when you have this crystal with you. There would be an energetic stream running through your body. You would be highly motivated as well as dedicated towards your aims. It also helps those people who have personality constraints or personalities filled with egos to take better initiative and make better decisions. It will offer you the power to lower the anxiety levels and stress levels in your mind and body. This way you can become more patient in different types of situations and make the right decision.
It also controls and regulates your emotions by releasing access tension from your mind. It will help you to deal with your reality if you are dealing with any kind of crisis. It will also help you to walk with elegance and stay powerful in different types of situations. It will also give you the power to deal with loss, grief, and other crises. This crystal is also related to liberation. It will also identify depressing patterns as well as mental obstacles in your mind which might also hold you back from making better decisions in your life.
It will also motivate you to gain independence so that you can do what you want without any interference and fear. It will also help you to feel comfortable at times you feel insecure about yourself. You can understand your worth and potential so that you can have the energy to work up to your potential. It also brings you a fortune as well as good luck so that you can connect with yourself and others. You can also have a religious understanding of the higher world.
Purpurite Metaphysical Properties
Purpurite is a powerful psychological and psychic tool for adjusting to change in an extremely sure manner. It energizes abandoning awful memory especially those of grievousness opening you to unqualified love. Purpurite ends old propensities or perspectives that keep you trapped previously and lifts despair.
Purpurite is a stone of knowledge and truth. It helps you to ‘continue to search for the truth that underlies appearances. It permits the people who use prophets, for example, the tarot or I Ching to all the more obviously comprehend the direction that they get. It uncovers the trickery of others, and it makes you unequipped for deliberately misdirecting others. In the event that you have been doing this unknowingly, it makes you awkwardly mindful of what’s going on, which generally closes the way of behaving.
It helps the individuals who fear power conquer their delay. Its energy of sanitization shields you from the compulsion to manhandle power, and its nature of motivation uncovers the most noteworthy ways of activity for putting the capacity to the best use.
Purpurite Benefits
- This crystal is very beneficial for people who are often distracted by negative thoughts. It also removes toxic ideas from a person and develops creative as well as new ideas for a better path.
- It also removes negatives from your environment. It is also ideal for people who are dedicated to meditating.
- A person who carries and understands the energies reflected by this crystal will be able to communicate with guardian angels. They will be able to understand all religions and living beings of different Worlds.
- Many people are unable to express their emotions due to fear and lack of confidence. This problem is also solved by this crystal as you will be able to express your emotions and feelings in a better way without any fear.
- You will be able to understand your psychic abilities in a better way when you have this crystal around you. You will be able to concentrate in a better way and stay conscious. You will be able to form deep relationships with your psychic abilities.
- You can also place this crystal on your third eye. This way you will be able to understand and have better clarity about your present and what is going on around you right now.
- It is also beneficial to move at higher levels of energy and also gain knowledge. One of the best signs that a person can get if he really understands the powers of this crystal is by improving their intuition levels.
- Using as well as wearing this crystal can give vision to a person about their current life and what it means. These visions might also force a person to make necessary changes in their lifestyle and values so that they can continue on a spiritual path.
- This crystal is responsible for healing as well as repairing every aspect of life. Crystal also removes all the distractions as well as negative thoughts from our life so that we can take a step towards a better future that might be seen as impossible in the present but is possible when we try it. These steps will offer us growth in every aspect of our life.
- A person might also be able to understand the purpose of his life with more clarity. It will make a person strong through the transition period where a person is in the process of becoming what he is supposed to become. They also provide us with better clarity of images that are present in dense dreams and universal signs. It offers protection and purification of ourselves and the environment so that the extra unwanted energy is relieved.
Purpurite Benefits Spirituality
Purpurite opens the higher crown chakra and links it to the base chakra, it invigorates unobstructed advancement and establishing, and the subsequent energy shift moves you into working reality.
It can enact the crown chakra, opening you to encounters of awareness inside the higher profound domains. Purpurite exudes an energy of mystic insurance, purifying your auric field and keeping it liberated from negative substances and connections.
Purpurite is a stone of initiation. Working with it in reflection, you can make a cognizant association with your soul directs and hear their recommendation all the more plainly. In the rest express, Purpurite’s presence close to the body upholds the partition of the astral body from the physical, and it permits you to stay cognizant during and after this cycle. In the fantasies that follow, you might move into a space in which you know about your celestial aides.
Purpurite is an expert stone of spiritual embodiment and adjusting the mind to the more noteworthy brain of the Heavenly. Purpurite helps you to stroll on the Earth with elegance and magnificence and to involve your natural experience as a chance to illuminate the actual plane.
Purpurite & Feng Shui
If you are a believer in the Feng Shui ways of life, Purpurite can be of great benefit to you. By simply keeping this gemstone inside your home you can ensure a neverending flow of positive energies. It is best to place this stone in the study area or the office area inside the premises.
It is widely believed that Purpurite is one the rare mineral stones that strengthen when placed along with water. The chemical compositions of Purpurite and water together gather more consciousness and positivity than individually. Water is also known to make certain crystals more potent than they already are
Purpurite Birthstone
This crystal also acts as a birthstone. This crystal activates heels and also regulates energy in the higher levels of Chakras. Difficulties are channeled by the third eye which is controlled and used properly when you have this crystal around you. Disc crystal is also beneficial for people that are born under the sign of Virgo. This crystal is an important mineral that is responsible for removing blocks as well as distractions on the path of metaphysical connection.
People who are very much involved in religious studies are also benefited from this crystal. It also helps people to have peace of mind and body and stay conscious. It is used to develop mindfulness as well as to stay continuous in a daily routine and maintain it properly. People who are born under the buff mentioned symbol are also benefited from this birthstone crystal which brings them luck and fortune.
Purpurite Chakras
And there are many conditions in which the third eye Chakra of a person is blocked. In this condition, a person might become excessively vulnerable to the thoughts and opinions of other people. It might also be possible that you take opinions from people over yours and give them control over your life.
This condition is also prevented and the third eye chakra is also unblocked with the help of this crystal. Through this crystal, your intuitive senses will also become better. Your favorite expressions as well as imaginative talents will also become better so that you can control them yourself without giving up the power to others. Your talents will not only be opened but also enhanced with the help of this precious gemstone crystal.
The Crown Chakra will also become active so that you can see the importance of your job and other people and also understand which part of your life requires more attention than others. You would also be able to differentiate between the wanted and unwanted desires of other people and yourself. You will be able to co-relate yourself with other powers of nature and the universe. Not only those powers but also all forms of powers that are required in a lifetime will be encircled in your palm when you have this crystal with you.
What are the Uses of Purpurite?
- It is also very useful when you are selling a house. It is very successful in solving all the disputes as well as problems that might get in a way of selling a house.
- It is very useful in offering you a moral vibe. A person will be able to understand his traditional values and acquire all the values and qualities to act according to them.
- It can also be used in workplaces. It brings positivity to your workplace and keeps your stress aside so that you can concentrate on your work carefully.
- There are many people who are unable to concentrate on their home as well as at their work equally due to high levels of stress and tension. This problem is also resolved when a person has this crystal with them. There would be an equal balance between home and work by keeping stress at the bay.
- A person will be able to achieve his goals if they are in the right direction. This crystal also has the power to switch its frequencies if anyone tries to abuse powers as well as energy.
Caring for Purpurite
When to Cleanse Purpurite
- Crystals can cling to specific energies. They can become stale and quit performing at their best when they become weighty with negative energies.
- It’s consistently smart to ease them of conveying these contaminations and negative energies. Assuming that you have a Purpurite gem, you ought to realize that there are numerous ways that you can purge it.
- One way you can scrub your Purpurite is by moonlight.
- Each full moon, draw out your Purpurite on your windowsill, front porch, rooftop, gallery, or any place it tends to be washed in moonlight.
- Following the moon cycle is an effective method for recalling when now is the ideal time to purify your gems. Simply pass on them under the twilight for around 8 to 12 hours.
- You can likewise utilize purifying spices and plants. Have a go at utilizing white sage, rosemary, rose, peppermint, or hibiscus.
How to Recharge Your Purpurite
You can likewise leave your Purpurite stone to lay on selenite for the night to scrub and recharge it.
Purpurite Activation process
Being a healing stone, Purpurite does not need to be activated with any distinct process. It is advisable to keep the crystal under the moonlight once it is brought into the house or before it is worn as a piece of jewelry. It is best if serendibite is placed in water when kept at home. Unlike some other crystals, Purpurite does not require the presence of stones like amethyst or quartz to be activated. It can simply be kept at home or worn as jewelry for regular meditation practices.
How much is Purpurite Worth and its Price and Value?
One solid carat of extracted pure Purpurite is priced anywhere between $ 1.9 to $ 2 million.
Purpurite Impact
- Purpurite Impact During Typical Dealing
Purpurite is not known to have any harmful impact when dealt with, under natural circumstances. It does not have any such chemicals that may cause harm to human skin when handled. However, it is better to not be in close contact with such chemicals that may cause a reaction.
- Purpurite Impact While Cutting
Purpurite must not be cut with regular knives as it is one of the hardest crystals with a Mohs hardness value of 6.5 – 7, making it relatively hard and scratch-proof. Cutting and processing of this stone should always be done under professional supervision and never at home. Not being careful with such hard crystals may lead to fatal consequences.
Does Purpurite make a good jewelry stone?
It is a valuable crystal that offers clarity as well as attention to the person who uses this crystal. A person who wears this crystal stays confident and has assurance in them. There would be a sense of agreement among the users. The bearer will be more kind as well as modest for a person who wears this crystal in a lovely position. It also empowers psychic power.
When a person wears it for spiritual reasons he can be on a better path and learn the importance of spirituality. It makes the users bright as well as concentrated by rendering the powers of sensibility and power of transparency. Wearing it will offer you the power not to give up when a person has had frequent failures in their life. It also offers confidence in a person to deal with everything while being strong.
Purpurite Real vs Fake
This is a very precious crystal so obviously, it is sold for cheaper prices or higher prices for a fake piece. Many people get mistaken for a fake crystal for a real crystal because they are unaware of the physical properties and appearance of this crystal. If you want to buy this crystal then make sure you buy it from a reliable dealer.
This is because the crystal of Purpurite is easily faked in the market. Some cheap dealers in the market will sell this crystal for very low quality when compared to the original crystal and people get easily mistaken for them. This is because those fake marketers give the fake crystals an acid bath due to which the colors of these crystals become very bright and look similar to the original crystal but are actually fake.
A person can easily distinguish between a fake crystal as well as a real crystal once they know the difference between the colors. The fake stones or crystals that are given acid baths have faded color in their cavities because the acid is not absorbed in the cavities. This is one of the best ways to identify between a real crystal and a fake crystal of Purpurite.
Summary of Purpurite Crystal
Name of Crystal | Purpurite |
Precious | Yes |
Semi Precious | No |
Other Names | _ _ |
Origin(s) | Faires Tin mine, Kings Mountain, Gaston Co., North Carolina, USA. |
Color(s) | intense purple |
Formation | Purpurite forms by leaching Li out of its site leaving a vacancy and by oxidation of divalent Mn. |
Majorly Found at | USA |
Zodiac Suited for | Virgo |
Chakra | Third eye and Crown Chakra |
Crystal Meaning | Purpurite is a powerful ascension tool that helps attune one to higher energies, as well as open up and connect the third eye and crown chakra. Working with this mineral will help raise one’s intuition levels and consciousness, as well as assist one in understanding this newfound power stone. |
Types of Crystal | Orthorhombic |
Healing Properties | Purpurite is a rejuvenating stone, it energizes the physical and mental bodies, overcoming tiredness and despondency on all levels. |
Health Benefits | Purpurite helps to alleviate problems with wounds, cuts bruises, excessive bleeding, pulse rate, high blood pressure and other blood circulation and oxygenation problems, heart palpitations, adverse effects of radiation from any source, sunburn, the acidity of the stomach or urine, increased absorption of nutrients. |
Uses | Used as a power stone |
Goes in Water? | Yes |
Goes in Salt Water? | No |
Goes in Rain Water? | No |
Goes in Moon Water? | No |
Moh’s Scale | 4-5.6 |
Real | The easiest way to distinguish these gems is a specific gravity (SG) test |
Fake | A fake one will fail the test |
What is Purpurite used for?
There are many uses of Purpurite. It is one of the best crystals if you want to activate the powers or energy of higher levels of Chakra. It is used to open up and connect the higher levels of crown Chakra as well as the third eye. It also helps to increase the levels of intuition in a person so that he can understand the science that the universe is sending to them. It also helps to increase the levels of consciousness in a person which makes their hearts and minds more active. It helps a person to be more comfortable when the energy or the powers are channeled toward the third eye.
When a person wears it frequently they get a certain type of intuition or visions that are about the present life or what’s going to happen to them in the future. It is also used to provide mental clarity to a person when used while meditating over the third eye. It is also used to get clarity and be on a spiritual path. The mental clarity that is provided by this crystal is used to connect with angelic creatures as well as higher dimensions and understand their importance. It is also used to promote self-healing and self-growth so that a person can become what he is supposed to be.
How is Purpurite formed?
Purpurite is formed from a mineral known as manganese iron phosphate. The formation of this crystal takes place in a layer known as Triphylite where high oxidation takes place. While it is formed with the combination of the above-mentioned minerals it can also be formed alone when it is present in high amounts a process known as crystallization. It was discovered in 1905. The best pieces of these crystals are found in Namibia. But this crystal is also found in France, Western Australia, and North Carolina, USA.
Where should I put Purpurite?
Like many other crystals, Purpurite can also be used as a part of jewelry. It can be worn for aesthetic looks and also first spiritual reasons. While some people also like to collect crystals and make them a part of their mineral collection.
How do you cleanse Purpurite?
Purpurite can be cleaned by washing or keeping it in a solution of weak sulfuric acid for a short time. It can also be soaked in alcohol or washed with nail polish remover. Make sure you rubbed properly but softly so that it can be cleansed fully.
Is Purpurite rare?
Yes, Purpurite is one of the rarest crystals and Minerals of all time. People often think that it is a common mineral because many other crystals have a similar color to that of this crystal which is purple color. But it is a fact that it is one of the rarest minerals and very difficult to carve. It has a high refractive index which is excessively more than the limit.
How strong is Purpurite?
Purpurite is moderately strong and hard. The hardness of this crystal is 4-4.5.
How much is Purpurite worth?
Purpurite can be worth a few Dollars per pound. But a crystal of this mineral is worth more than that if it has a beautiful appearance and is present in a higher quality.
How do you identify Purpurite?
One of the best ways to identify this Purpurite is through its appearance. It has bright purple colors with ripples as well as spiral patterns all around it. It is not present in the crystallized form therefore it is smooth when you touch it not rough. There are many other crystals that might have a similar color to this crystal so you can identify this crystal through scientific methods. One of the best ways especially the scientific method to identify this crystal or mineral is by doing a specific gravity test.