13 Best Crystals for Crown Chakra and How to Use Them

The Crown chakra is the seventh chakra in the chakra group, and here we will learn about the best Crystals for Crown Chakra. It is also the last primary chakra. This chakra is placed at the top of the head. It enables enlightenment and inspiration. The prime role played by this chakra is to bring awareness to the life of the individual. With a strong physical influence, this chakra has strong connections with how the individual uses his/her senses and elements. For balance, activation, and healing purposes, here are the best crystals for the crown chakra.
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What Is Crown Chakra?
The crown chakra is also known as Sahasrara. It is the highest chakra in the chakra system. It enables the connection between the spiritual being and the universe. The crown chakra is the main house of the highest consciousness, togetherness, and life aims. Upon activating this chakra, the individual is able to connect their bodily lights and energies to the universe. This connection enables them to gain the highest level of enlightenment and learn about themselves and the metaphysical world.
What Are The Best Crystals For Crown Chakra?
The best crystals for the Crown chakra are as follows:-
1. Amethyst

Amethyst is one of the best crystals for crown chakra as it does a great job at the opening and activating the chakra. Amethyst is well-known for curing different concerns and health issues such as headaches, anxiety, troubled sleeping patterns, and other pains in the body. This gemstone soothes the pituitary gland, pineal glands, and nervous system. If you want to know the other benefits of Amethyst, click here.
2. Celestite

Just like Amethyst, Celestite opens the crown chakra. It enables the user to find their spiritual pathway. Different mental and cognitive abilities are enhanced by this gemstone. This gemstone is usually used for calming and soothing purposes. Daily use brings good luck, fortune, harmony, and prosperity to the life of the user.
3. Clear Quartz
Clear Quart is an incredible stone for balancing and activating the down chakra. It boosts the overall energies and vibrations of the body. Clear Quartz heals all kinds of pain one may be facing in their crown chakra. When aches and pains at the crown of the head occur, this gemstone heals and soothes them all!
4. Turquoise
Just like the other gemstones discussed earlier, Turquoise opens the crown chakra in the best way possible. It helps the user to realise the true worth of happiness and harmony in life. It enables the user to gain insight about their spirituality. During the spiritual journey, the user is able to gain balanced emotions and cognitive clearness.
5. Smoky Quartz
Smokey Quartz is one of the best crystals for crown chakra as it heals different mental disorders like extreme anxiety and depression. It also helps the wearer to get rid of negativity and stress. This gemstone not only keeps the crown chakra balanced but activates the root chakra too. It filters negative energies and brings positive energies in the life of the wearer.
6. Honey Calcite

By opening up the crown chakra, Honey Calcite helps the wearer to go into the deep state of meditation. This gemstone allows the user to create strong bonds with their spiritual being and the higher guardian angels that guard them at every point of their life. This gemstone is known for its exceptional qualities to help the wearer change and transform for the good.
7. Hematite
This gemstone not only balances the crown chakra, but it is also a grounding gemstone that keeps the wearer stay connected with the Earth. It is primarily used as a gemstone for curing mental disorders and conditions like anxiety and all kinds of chronic and acute stress. This gemstone filters out all the extra energies that may hinder the balancing of the crown chakra.
8. Seraphinite
This gemstone helps the wearer to find the true purpose of their life. This enables a quick and smoother opening of the crown chakra. This gemstone aligns and balances all seven chakras in the chakra system. This gemstone helps the wearer to manifest healthy and meaningful relationships and friendships in their life.
9. Moonstone

One of the best crystals for the crown chakra is Moonstone. It is primarily used for creating balance in the crown chakra. It is a good stone for meditation purposes. When this stone is used for meditating, it helps the wearer to get in touch with their guardian angels and the higher spirits. This gemstone portrays grounding and physical healing properties upon daily use. To know the other benefits of Moonstone, know here.
10. Lepidolite
This gemstone is a bright and beautiful crown chakra healing stone. It spreads radiant light in the wearer’s loft and eases daily anxiety and stress. This gemstone is responsible for the overall well-being of the wearer. This means that with this gemstone, the physical, mental and emotional health will always be in the best condition. It also opens the crown which reduces fear and begins joy to life.
11. Howlite
Howlite brings clarity and the heart and crown chakra. It is a stone related and focused on the destiny of the wearer. By clearing the chakras, this gemstone makes room for trust, empathy, wisdom, unconditional love and consideration. When the wearer feels like they have lost their path in life, this gemstone becomes their spirit guide and guides them through the ups and downs without causing any hindrances in their growth and development.
12. Sugilite

Sugilite gemstone makes the crown of the head lighter. It enables the crown chakra opening process to be a much smoother and quicker one than usual. This gemstone incorporates the feelings of forgiveness in the heart of the wearer. It helps the wearer to move on and carry on from the undesirable situations in their life. When feelings come around in life, this gemstone helps the wearer to get over them by helping to open the crown chakra.
13. White Agate
White Agate is one of the most used crystals for the crown chakra. It is all about balancing and easing the chakra. This gemstone flushes out all the negative energies and vibrations from the wearer’s life. It also balances the feminine and masculine energies. The spiritual charms of the Agate gemstone can be gained by the infinite powers of the White Agate gemstone.
Watch the video below to know the top crystals for the Crown chakra and how to use them:
How To Use Crystals For Balancing Crown Chakra?

For using the best crystals for crown chakra, one must choose the most desirable crystal from the above-mentioned list. After making the choice, here are the steps they must follow:-
- The first step for using the crystals is to wash them in cold running water and remove all the particles of dirt and dust from them. The wearer should also activate or energize the crystal the night before using it so that all the energies of the crystal can be used in the best way possible on the next day. Or whenever they need it.
- The second step is to relax your body and mind. One must always prepare themselves before one use the crystals. Relaxing the mind and body can be done by laying on the back and taking a few deep breaths. Make sure to think of happy and positive thoughts while relaxing. One can also practice meditation before using crystals and gemstones to keep the mind and body at peace and harmony.
- Once the mind and body are completely relaxed and at peace, place the desired gemstone on the head where the crown chakra lies. This will enable the bright light to spread across the body from head to toe. The energy and vibrations emitted from the crystals will heal, align and balance crown chakra. One can also pair two different crown chakra aligning gemstones with one another to gain the benefits from both crystals. The crystal can be directly placed on the bare skin. Or it can be placed on any cloth or garment of choice.
- The next step is to let the crystal work its magic. It is recommended to keep the crystal on the head for five to ten minutes. The user will notice visible changes and shifts in their mood as the crystal starts to align the chakras. If there are no changes after five to ten minutes, then the crystal must be kept on the head for five to ten more minutes.
- Once the crystal has been kept on the head or crown for a good amount of time, it can be removed. There is no need for deactivating the crystal after the session. Make sure to think about good and joyful thoughts after the crystal has been used.
Balancing and healing the crown chakra becomes an easy process when it is done with the help of the above-mentioned best crystals for crown chakra. Since crown chakra is an important and vital chakra in the body, it must be taken good care of at any cost. For making sure that this chakra is able to keep one’s mental and physical health in the best condition, the above-mentioned list of crystals and gemstones is recommended!