Can Hematite Go in the Sun?

Crystals can be often charged and are charged in various ways. Hematite is a crystal that benefits from both the ‘Yin’ and ‘Yang’ energy. Both the moon and sun can be used to charge hematite. In this article, we will try to answer ‘Can Hematite go in the Sun’ and its reaction under the sun or any other elements.
This crystal has mostly the ‘Yang’ energy, it grounds and activates the energy of both the Sun and the Moon. This is a usual behavior on behalf of all other ‘yin’ stones which are generally the passive supporters of receiving messages.
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Can Hematite go in the Sun?
Hematite stone can go in the sunlight for charging or for replenishing the energy of the stone. To charge Hematite crystal, it can be exposed to the sunlight for a couple of hours. But it is also recommended not to expose it for too long because any crystal under direct sunlight for too long can eventually harm it. This however is not that applicable to hematite since it does fade in the sun.
Hematite is a powerful crystal and the usual modes of cleansing in case of other crystals might not be fully efficient with it. There have been loads of resources to find out the best way to cleanse and charge this stone. Since Hematite is connected to the Earth, replenishing its energy through any other source might sound a bit insignificant.
This black crystal stands against cleaning with water or even recharging it. The crystal will dissolve in water, causing loss. Even though Hematite can be recharged using the moonlight, it is still not very fond of the same since it is an Earth-based stone. Sunlight, too, does not help that much, but it does not cause any type of harm to the stone and does help in charging.
For cleaning your crystal with sunlight, leave the Hematite crystal on the windowsill which receives the natural light. It can be kept under the sunlight from dusk and be kept out after 5-6 hours. Leaving the crystal on the windowsill will enable it to receive light from both the sun and the moon and be charged.
Hematite falls under the group of minerals that do not fade under the sunlight or harm the sun. They can be easily used to charge under the sunlight for a particular period.
Can Hematite change color in the Sun?
Hematite has a lot of Earth energy. The energy coming from the sun which is too far away from the Earth does not affect it that much. The crystal, therefore, has no risk of losing this color under the sun for long hours. The color of the crystal remains shiny and bright just as new and not does get affected on being placed under the sun.
Does hematite fade over time?
Hematite is a form of iron ores that is semi-precious and ranges between 5.5 and 6.5 on the scale of hardness. It is because of this that the surface of the stone can develop a rusty stain. This may cause the stone from losing its shiny, lustrous look and fade. It needs to be cleaned at regular intervals for the same.
How long can hematite be in the sun?
Using sunlight to charge the crystal is probably one of the easiest ways. Hematite does not fade under the sunlight and can therefore be kept the sunlight from morning tonight. That way it absorbs both the energy of the sun and the moon.
Does hematite fade in the sun?
Hematite does not have any dire effects under the sun’s energy since it is thoroughly to the earth. Thus, the stone does not fade under the sun even if it is kept under the same for the whole day.
What is the color of hematite?
Time and again, hematite has been a stone of absolute fascination given the inability of people to take into account exactly what color the stone is. Thus, hematite can occur in a wide range of colors, ranging from metallic red to silvery black. The other color references can be reddish-brown, ochre color, and silvery color.
Among these, the most common color is the rusty red color and the lustrous black color of the crystal occurrence. The lustrous, shiny color of the mineral can also range from submetallic colors to metallic colors. It can be found in the dark red color and its fellow colors and also in the black color and its other variants like gray and silver.
Where does Hematite get its color from?
The color of Hematite has always been a matter of debate since it is unusual in its macrocrystalline forms which are incongruent. The particulate forms of the crystal, on the other hand, are congruent. Thus, the apparent colors of the botryoidal and macrocrystalline are determined by the smooth crystal face of the mineral, which absorbs the wavelengths of the white light and reflects a silvery black color.
The particular form of hematite has neither a crystal face nor the cleavage planes is red. The surfaces of the hematite particulate are irregular and rough and they collectively absorb millions of green, yellow, and blue wavelengths of the white light, all the while reflecting only the red wavelengths.
How to charge and cleanse Hematite?
You can cleanse your hematite by using any one of the following steps:
- Although the hematite stone is thoroughly connected to the earth, it does need periodic maintenance and care to a certain level. It is soft and needs to be cleaned. Although Hematite’s energy can be replenished by both sunlight and moonlight, exposure to water will be lethal to the crystal. It is strongly recommended to not put the stone in water because it will lead to damage to the crystal.
- For cleansing hematite, the best way to do it is by placing it amidst other self-cleansing stones. These can be citrine, clear quartz, or selenite crystal. These crystals remove the negative energy from the hematite and restore its positive energy of it. The power of the stone is bought back and all other energies are dispelled.
- One of the interesting facts about cleansing hematite is that it can also be cleansed bypassing sage smoke through or hovering the smoke above the stone.
- You may also cleanse hematite by leaving it beneath the sun or the moon, depending on your preference. Just make sure it is clean and dry outside so it doesn’t come into contact with water.
For charging the hematite stone use any one of the following options
- Hematite can be easily charged by leaving the stone under the sunlight or the moonlight or both. It will be charged with an ample amount of positive energy. There is also no limitation as to how many hours it can be laid in the sun or moon or both.
- Selenite and citrine or any other self-cleansing stone can be used to charge hematite.
- Hematite is a powerful ground stone that evens and balances the inner energy. Thus, it does not need to charge often, but in regular intervals like one month. Once its power is restored, it can be used in even meditation.
Hematite is associated with the God of War and is used as a representation of the same. Thus, this stone gives great stability to the mind and heart and lets a person make the best of situations. Being the energy of the Earth, the stone can be used to energize oneself by associating with the energy of the earth and increasing concentration. It works as a great balance.
On top of all the uses that hematite has, it is not expensive at all. The best money you pay for is the design that was made by hand by the craftsmen and for the setting. Although, if the crystal comes in intricate and unusual formations, it might come in a bit expensive. Hematite is not a very expensive crystal.
Thus, hematite is a very useful crystal that can be even worn on a daily basis. It is less costly compared to other crystals that have the same uses and can be replenished for power very easily. In short, it is very feasible and beautiful to not have.
1. What happens if Hematite gets wet?
Exposure to water is lethal in the case of hematite, it might cause the stone to dissolve and dissociate. This will lead to the stone losing its properties and not being functional anymore.
2. What crystals cannot go in the sun?
Following are some of the crystals that should be cleansed in the sunlight:
Amegreen, Amber, Amethyst, Ametrine, Beryl, Calcite, Celestite, Opal, Turquoise
3. What crystals cannot be in the bedroom?
Some crystals have really strong energy and are overstimulating if kept in the bedrooms. These include the stone moldavite and turquoise.