Painite Meaning: Healing Properties, Benefits and Uses

Painite was once mistaken for a ruby due to its exceptional brilliance and rich garnet-red color. Although this gem is far rarer than a ruby, its value isn’t quite as high.
This ruby-hued stone, thought to have only a few hundred crystals, is stunning but also mysterious. Little was understood about the potential uses of painite deposits when they were first discovered in the 1950s. Even while more painite may be found in the future, for now, its distinctive qualities and gorgeous hues have already made their mark.
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What is Painite?
An uncommon gem, painite is a member of the mineral family known as borate. The mineral painite, which contains zirconium and boron, was originally mistaken for ruby.
In many ways, painite is an extraordinary gem. One is that fewer than 300 painite crystals have so far been found. Another benefit of its rarity is the high value it carries. Painite often costs between $50,000 and $60,000 per carat.
Painite is not a popular jewelry gemstone. It is eight out of ten on the Mohs scale of hardness. Painite is quite fragile, though.
Painite is primarily exhibited in museums due to its scarcity and fragility. Although it is not readily accessible in the commercial sector, it has special significance for its alleged users.
Meaning of Painite
For people who practice Feng Shui, the stone painite has special significance. Painite is a chakra opener despite not being a birthstone for jewelry or belonging to a particular zodiac sign.
A source of internal energy is referred to by the name chakra. Some people think that chakras, which are rotating bundles of energy, affect the nervous system, physical processes, and general well-being. Allowing for a free flow of energy requires the usage of a chakra opener, such as painite.
Because it promotes a healthy energy flow, painite has significance. Chakra opening enhances emotional, mental, and physical well-being.
Although painite lacks cleavage and has a high degree of hardness, the frequent occurrence of many inclusions and fractures in many specimens makes it brittle. Because of this, proper gemstone maintenance is essential.
Given the rarity and high cost of the stone, it might be in your best interest to take your painite to a licensed gemologist so they can assess its fragility. Despite the rarity of painite jewelry, we advise protective settings for delicate items like painite rings.
The beauty and attraction of painite, a stone some have termed the “holy grail of rare gemstones,” can be appreciated by everyone, even those who aren’t gem and mineral collectors. Painite can be the ideal option for you if you’re looking for a truly unique gemstone that is as unusual and unique as you!