Purple Agate Meaning: Healing Properties, Benefits and Uses
Chalcedony, a kind of microcrystalline quartz, is what makes purple agate. Stones like Jasper, Onyx, Carnelian, and Agate are included in this category. Chalcedony stones are typically discovered in fissures and crevices where volcanic activity has occurred.
Let’s study everything about Purple Agate.
Suggested Reading: Agate Meaning: Healing Properties, Benefits and Uses
Table of Contents
What Is Purple Agate?
This stone is best characterised by the word “protection.” The stone that shields against harmful energy, mishaps, and natural calamities is said to be purple agate. Purple agate offers protection to whoever has it, whether it be for themselves or someone they love.
The stone is excellent for enhancing spirituality and meditation. It expands intuition and enables the intellect to understand a wide range of possibilities. It is linked to the head chakra (which helps make wise and well-calculated decisions).
What Is Agate Stone?
This stone has a powerful spiritual connotation and is prized for both its distinct beauty and its meaning. Healing practitioners from all countries and eras have respected agate rock as a mystic stone that may bring about a profound change in those who wear it. Agate stones have different meanings in different cultures, but they always signify the possibility of profound inner change and transformation for the better.
The polished and tumbled examples of the stones feel frequently chilly to the touch and are pleasant to hold and view. They have tiny quartz-like particles in them, which gives them the appearance of glittering in the light.
Suggested reading: Apricot Agate Meaning: Healing Properties, Benefits and Uses
How to Identify A Purple Agate?
The stones constitute a completely distinct world. Since there are ever new things to learn, it is difficult to fully comprehend them. Because they are so attractive, gemstones usually catch people’s attention. The purple agate stone’s brilliance makes it seem like a false gem, however that is not the case. The bright purple and delicate white bands on this rock provide stunning contrast, making it a favourite in the jewellery business.
Microscopic quartz crystals that have organised themselves into lovely layers of white and purple make up the stone known as Purple Agate.
Some native tribes hold that their physical characteristics are a result of the fact that they are really fragments of the gods’ souls that have been sent to earth to aid humanity.
It is said that these concentric layers have the power to reveal the hidden truth and all that is shrouded in mystery and prevents us from progressing. Purple agate is one of the minerals in the world with the most varied uses because of its distinctive hue.
Where Is Purple Agate Found?
Mexico, Brazil, the United States, Australia, and Morocco are among the nations where purple agate may be found. The indigenous peoples of these regions employed this gem as protective talismans, according to archaeological discoveries.
There is significant disagreement about whether the majority of Purple Agate stones for sale are unaltered, naturally occurring gemstones, or if the colour has been added. Both varieties are readily available, and both seem to be equally potent in our opinion. Since they are quite uncommon in nature, they are frequently rather pricey. Since the swirls and band patterns are natural and not enhanced, coloured stones still have strong energy and qualities.
Also Read: Flower Agate: Meaning, Healing Properties, Benefits and Uses
Purple Agate Stone Meaning
Purple agate’s primary meaning is protection, self-assurance, harmony, and balance. It has been referred to as the “Stone of Science” and the “Sacred Stone of the Astral” for its capacity to enhance analytical abilities, enhance healing, and elevate the user to higher, more spiritual realms.
This beautiful stone may boost creativity, improve yin-yang harmony, ward off evil spirits, and bring good luck and wealth.
Spiritual Meaning Of Purple Agate
The stone that shields against harmful energy, mishaps, and natural calamities is said to be purple agate. Purple agate offers protection to whoever has it, whether it be for themselves or someone they love. The stone is excellent for enhancing spirituality and meditation.
Purple Agate Meaning In Ancient Lore And History
Agate is linked to Nyx, the Greek goddess of the night. According to legend, she rides a chariot, painting the skies dark, shielding people from nightmares, and easing their worries.
Agate powder and water were used in antiquity to counteract poison. Agate stones were worn by seafarers as an amulet against bad weather when at sea.
Theophrastus, a Greek philosopher, gave the stone the name “agate” when he discovered it in Sicily, Italy’s Achates River, which today is known as the Cirillo River. Agates have historically been among the most prized jewels, and many people have believed that they had healing and talismanic powers.
The Neolithic Era is when agates were first used (9,000 B.C. and 3,000 B.C.). Ancient Greek and Egyptian civilizations employed agate gemstones as protective amulets.
As emblems of strength, agate gemstones are often employed. Agates were inscribed with seals in ancient Mesopotamia to denote the wearer’s status as a wealthy and powerful individual.
Crystal Properties of Purple Agate
A potent stone of protection is purple agate. It might help defend oneself from energetic and physical threats like natural catastrophes. If we have individuals in our lives who we want to keep safe, we should try to extend their usage to them as well.
For meditation and spiritual growth, violet agate is excellent. It enables us to believe in our intuition and widens our range of options. The Crown Chakra is stimulated by this purple stone.
Purple Agate Healing Properties
Purple agate has long been prized for its curative qualities, which may help you experience good transformation on a spiritual, emotional, and physical level.
This gem has a virtually endless number of advantages and applications. You should include this stone in your collection of healing crystals whether you want to wear it as jewellery, use it as ornamental sculptures, keep it as talismans, or use it as a meditation focal point.
Purple Agate Emotional Properties
We all know that the secret to both physical and spiritual health is frequently emotional wellness. You can experience a wide range of long-term advantages by using Purple Agate as your ally on your path to emotional purification.
You can discover your genuine self by reflecting within with the aid of Purple Agate’s significance and qualities. The deeper part of you that contains your creativity, intuition, and clarity may be unlocked with the aid of this stone.
Purple Agate can assist you in overcoming any emotional baggage that is preventing you from moving on if you are having trouble letting go of bad memories, previous traumas, or worries. You could discover that you’ll have better success with love, relationships, and other interpersonal areas of your life once you’ve dealt with all the bad energy in your life.
Purple agate is also used as a stone to improve concentration, offer security and protection, and boost productivity.
Purple Agate Physical Properties
Due to the numerous ways in which Purple Agate may be utilised to aid in the treatment of bodily diseases, practitioners of natural medicine like it. For any crystal work involving your health, we strongly advise consulting with a qualified lapidary practitioner.
In addition to being supposed to be able to treat a variety of uterine ailments, purple agate is frequently used to treat digestive problems. Many practitioners of natural medicine recommend utilising Purple Agate if you’re having issues with your pancreas or lymphatic system.
Purple Agate is utilised as a metabolism enhancer in addition to its capacity to soothe and relax the body and mind. You may increase your metabolism to give yourself greater physical energy. Your body will be prepared to unwind after a long day of activity, and you could start to experience evenings filled with slumber.
Some skin conditions and blood vessel problems may benefit from Purple Agate’s therapeutic abilities.
Purple Agate Metaphysical Properties
Your ability to connect with the spiritual dimension might be substantially improved by using Purple Agate as you meditate. In fact, this stone is one of our favourites because of its metaphysical qualities!
Purple Agate has a significant affinity with the third-eye chakra, which serves as your centre for greater knowledge, psychic skills, self-reflection, and insight. This stone also has a little connection to the head chakra. Make use of Purple Agate to increase your empathy for others, and your creativity, and to pave the way for higher states of consciousness and awareness.
Purple Agate Benefits
Purple agate is a relaxing and soothing stone that helps banish fear and bestow qualities that boost confidence, such as courage, vitality, and strength.
Purple Agate has Emotional And Mental Healing Benefits
This stone is said to strengthen inner understanding, boost psychic ability, and open the spirit to past-life healing.
By eliminating bad energy, purple agate is also believed to stabilise and protect the aura. It could even be able to keep bad energy out of your environment before it gets there. Protecting yourself and others around you from the evil eye may be accomplished by wearing Purple Agate jewellery.
Some even believe that this crystal provides the user with a strong connection to St. Germain’s Violet Flame, an ascended master who is famed for freedom and justice. As you can see, the significance of this stone overlaps with quite a few others.
Purple Agate Spiritual Benefits
We adore Purple Agate because it may help you recover spiritually, which can improve a lot of other areas of your life. Purple has always been associated with magic throughout history, and we think Purple Agate’s spiritual healing abilities are really wonderful.
When using Purple Agate in their spiritual practices, many people discover that their feeling of equilibrium and inner harmony quickly improve. One of this crystal’s most effective advantages is its capacity to bring conflicting yin and yang forces into joyful equilibrium.
Purple Agate is an excellent tool for anybody working on former life regression. This stone is said to strengthen inner understanding, boost psychic ability, and open the spirit to past-life healing.
By eliminating bad energy, purple agate is also believed to stabilise and protect the aura. It could even be able to keep bad energy out of your environment before it gets there. Protecting yourself and others around you from the evil eye may be accomplished by wearing Purple Agate jewellery.
Some even believe that this crystal provides the user with a strong connection to St. Germain’s Violet Flame, an ascended master who is famed for freedom and justice.
Purple Agate & Feng Shui
Activate the Health Area
Agate is an excellent addition to your home’s Health section because of its balanced energy. By finding the centre of your house or bedroom, you may identify the Health area, which is situated in the centre of the feng shui bagua. This place affects every other area around since it is in the centre of the bagua. Put an agate stone in the middle of your house or bedroom to activate your Health area. You may then make an intention for the crystal to bring stability and balance into your life as you go about doing this.
Support The Knowledge Area
The feng shui Bagua has a section dedicated to knowledge, abilities, and self-cultivation. Gen is the area’s name in Chinese. You might wish to engage in this area if you desire to develop your abilities, knowledge, or spiritual practice.
When gazing into your home from the front door, locate the corner that is closest to you on the left-hand side. If your house isn’t perfectly rectangular, it can be simpler to locate the Knowledge area in your bedroom. Set an intention that this space will promote your spiritual development or the development of your abilities to activate it.
Balance Yin and Yang
In feng shui, yin and yang, two opposing but related forms of forces, are recognised. In contrast to yang, which is brighter, busier, and more energetic, yin is calmer, darker, and more receptive. Both yin and yang are present in each of us, yet they occasionally become out of balance. Try meditating with agate or keeping an agate crystal in your bedroom if you wish to bring greater balance to these two parts of yourself.
Purple Agate Birthstone
Agate is a birthstone for the months of May, June, and September. It is related to the zodiac signs Capricorn and Gemini as a gemstone.
Uses of Purple Agate
Purple agate is a protective stone that serves as a talisman to ward off evil spirits and protect wearers from disasters. It is thought to contain strong powers that might protect not only the person wearing it but also the wearer’s family and everyone else in their vicinity. Large households are advised to employ purple agate to invoke protection.
Additionally, the purple chalcedony fosters harmony. In tight or hot circumstances where disagreements and resentment are present, it releases uplifting energy. As a result, bonds between friends, family members, and coworkers are repaired and reinforced.
Additionally, this stone is thought to increase focus and creativity while easing emotional tension brought on by wrath, fear, grief, and anxiety. Stress is a common occurrence in daily life. However, if your productivity is being hampered by accumulating stress, wearing a purple agate stone or using it as a meditation tool could be able to assist.
Agate’s hardness, capacity to maintain a highly polished surface quality and resistance to chemical assault are all utilised in industrial applications. It has historically been used to create knife-edge bearings for precision pendulums and lab balances, as well as occasionally to create mortars and pestles for chopping and blending chemicals.
Caring for Purple Agate Stone
When to Cleanse Purple Agate?
The two to three days before or after the full moon are ideal for performing this. Your crystal should be left in a secure location for three to four hours, preferably inside on a window ledge. Following this process will both clean and charge your purple agate crystal, which adores the moonlight.
How To Cleanse Your Purple Agate Crystal?
In the same way that the filter on your vacuum, air conditioner, or water faucet accumulates “gunk” and contaminants over time, your Purple Agate will do the same. Additionally, the leftover bad ideas and energy will clog it up. This is why it’s so crucial to regularly clear your crystal.
You may clean your Purple Agate in a few different ways; you can select the approach or procedures that are most effective for you. It’s crucial to keep in mind that before using your Purple Agate for the first time, it has to be cleaned. By doing so, you may make sure it is as pure as possible and create a connection with your crystal.
Running your crystal under warm water is probably one of the easiest methods to clean it. Have the intention that the water is washing all of the poisons and bad energy down the drain before you do this. Keep the intended use of the stone in mind while you concentrate on keeping the stone as clean as you can. Once you’re certain that it’s clean, gently pat it dry with a nice, clean cloth.
Using moonlight is another efficient approach to cleaning your Purple Agate. The two to three days before or after the full moon are ideal for performing this.
Purple Agate Activation Process
Placing in the moonlight: To renew your healing stone, place it in the moonlight (on a terrace or window ledge) overnight. The best activation occurs on full moon nights. When the moon is visible on other nights, it can also be done.
Placing in the sun: The sun is the universe’s primary source of energy and a rich supply of energy for reactivating crystals. Put the healing stone in a basin with some fresh water and expose it to the sun (terrace or window-sill). After three hours, remove. Your healing stone is now ready for wear.
Why Should Healing Stones Be Purified And Activated?
Healing stones convey healthy & happy vibrations to the user and their environment to provide them with the advantages that are intended for them. These crystals accumulate a huge reservoir of negative energy over time. They prevent harm by entangling this negative energy inside themselves, but as a result, the healing stone’s potency wanes. To maintain their full potency, healing stones should thus be periodically cleansed and activated.
Here Are The Methods To Purify The Healing Stones
There are several techniques for cleansing healing stones. The following are the most well-liked and suggested ones:
River Water: The stone has to be well-cleansed with water before being submerged (in a bowl) in river water for around three hours.
Raw Milk: For 10-15 minutes, soak the healing crystal in a cup of unpasteurized raw cow milk before feeding the milk to a dog or cat.
Rushing Water: While stroking the healing stone repeatedly with your fingers, submerge it in running river water or even plain running tap water.
How much Purple Agate is worth?
Depending on the location, Purple Agate prices could change. In contrast to other sites where they offer it for a hefty price, there are certain places where you can get this rock for a very reasonable price. The extraction sites are to blame for this.
It’s crucial to note that the cost of Purple Agate will vary depending on where you purchase it. You will probably be able to get the stone for a very low price compared to other sites if the jeweller or store where you want to buy it is close to the extraction location.
However, the price will be high if the location where you want to purchase it is far from the location or nation of extraction. The reason is that, in addition to the treatment necessary to make the rock as lovely as it is when it is delivered and other expenses, the price of the purple agate will also include the cost of the rock’s transportation to that location.
Whether or if a goldsmith collaborated with her will also affect how much the purple agate stone costs. Some people purchase this rock with the intention of wearing it as an amulet, while others wear it as jewellery.
Others have devoted a large portion of their careers to this stone, and some designers have even created accessory lines centred on purple agate. The reason is that it is incredibly attractive and has a high potential for revenue.
If purple agate is presented as an amulet, it can be purchased for less than $10 depending on the presentation. However, if it’s an accessory, pricing might vary greatly based on a variety of things. For instance, there are extremely affordable earrings for $5 and very pricey necklaces that may cost up to $100.
What Determines Purple Agate Price And Values?
The majority of typical, average-quality agates are rather inexpensive, and their cost is really determined more by labour expenses and aesthetics than by the actual material, which is frequently sold by weight.
Landscape agate and fire agate are often the most costly agates by kind, but crazy lace agate, Lake Superior agate, and agate geodes can all be highly valuable.
Today, a pound of rough agate costs only a few dollars (assuming it is not a unique or unusual kind). A modest 1-2 inch tumbling agate (such as snakeskin, sardonyx, blue lace, tree, and Botswana agates) will run you between $2 and $10.
Suggested Reading: Onyx Meaning, Healing Properties, Benefits and Uses
Does Purple Agate Make A Good Jewelry Stone?
In the past, only those with a high reputation wore Purple Agate Necklaces and other jewellery items to demonstrate their status. Today, wearing Purple Agate jewellery is regarded as a matter of distinction and pride. The majority of individuals are now picking this gem because of its originality and bewitching patterns as time has changed.
Because purple-coloured stones are extremely strong and are not readily available, purple agate rings are a popular present among people nowadays. When considering its metaphysical aspects, it is a sign of love and conveys how well you hope for someone’s life and happiness.
Purple Agate Real vs Fake
- Extremely vivid and saturated colours are a telltale indicator of a fake.
- Hardness. Knife transparency will not be able to scratch a real agate. In contrast to fake agate, which is mostly opaque, real agate is transparent, allowing light to enter through the stone.
- A fake agate may be identified by the presence of spherical bubbles.
- A fake agate constructed of plastic will have a dull look.
- Scratches on the surface are another characteristic of fake agate.
- Another distinguishing feature of fake agate is the concentration of dye in cracks or voids.
Also Read: Blue Agate: Meaning, Healing Properties, Benefits And Uses
What does Purple Agate crystal do?
Purple agate is a relaxing and soothing stone that helps banish fear and bestow qualities that boost confidence, such as courage, vitality, and strength.
What are the healing properties of Purple Agate?
Purple agate has long been prized for its curative qualities, which may help you experience good transformation on a spiritual, emotional, and physical level. This gem has a virtually endless number of advantages and applications. You should include this stone in your collection of healing crystals whether you want to wear it as jewellery, use it as ornamental sculptures, keep it as talismans, or use it as a meditation focal point.
Is Purple Agate the same as Amethyst?
No, as they are made entirely differently. Quartz is tinted purple by iron impurities to form amethyst. Grape Agate is a kind of Chalcedony that has been tinted purple by impurities in clay minerals. They are constructed differently, and they have distinct inclusions.
How can you tell if a Purple Agate is real?
Because agate is transparent, only some light can get through. The agate’s hues should somewhat show through and become more distinct when you hold the stone up to a light source. The stone is opaque if light cannot pass through it at all. This suggests that your sample is most likely jasper and not agate.
What does Purple Agate spiritually do?
The stone that shields against harmful energy, mishaps, and natural calamities is said to be purple agate. Purple agate offers protection to whoever has it, whether it be for themselves or someone they love. The stone is excellent for enhancing spirituality and meditation.