Cordierite Meaning: Healing Properties, Benefits and Uses
A blue silicate material, also called dichroite or iolite, Cordierite can genuinely connect to who you are and match its high vibrations with your distinctive sense of energy when it is in direct contact with your pulse points and your own frequencies.
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What is Cordierite?
The Cordierite compass stone plays a role in violet visions and soul discovery. One look at Cordierite makes you feel as though the sky has swallowed you whole and you are on your own shamanistic voyage. Its hues are similar to the stormy winter skies and seem to change constantly depending on the angle and light.
How to Identify a Cordierite?
Cordierite Cuts
Cordierite is typically windowed and/or shallow cut to lighten the tone and step cut to enhance color. The cutter must carefully position the rough while taking into mind the Cordierite’s trichroism of blue, grey, and nearly colorless. One can infer that gems are untreated because no treatments to brighten color or remove imperfections have been done successfully yet.
Its hardness of 7 to 7.5 makes it an excellent jewelry stone, however, cleavage must be considered and some caution must be used.
Cordierite Shapes
Even if it is untwinned, inclusion-free, and unmodified, cordierite can be challenging to identify. It is capable of having clarity and birefringence on par with plagioclase and quartz. When twinned, the twins could resemble normal plagioclase twins or could be unusual truncating polysynthetic twins. Cordierite frequently undergoes partial or complete alteration to a fine-grained sericite known as pinite. Zircon inclusions can result in burn scars surrounding the included grains, which can occasionally take the form of brown rings or pleochroic halos.
Where is Cordierite Found?
Typically, cordierite forms when pelitic rocks are metamorphosed locally or in contact. It occurs frequently in hornfels made by the contact metamorphism of pelitic rocks in particular.
Cordierite-spinel-plagioclase-orthopyroxene and sillimanite-cordierite-spinel are two typical metamorphic mineral assemblages. In some gabbroic magmas, cordierite can also be found in granites, pegmatites, and norites. Products for alterations include talc, mica, and chlorite. For instance, the granite contact zone of the Geevor Tin Mine in Cornwall contains cordierite.
Cordierite Stone Meaning- Cordierite stones are made to outlive all others and are a little more pricey. The mineral cordierite is widely recognized for its capacity to withstand high temperatures. It is made of the same thermal shock-resistant material that is used to construct kiln shelves. As a result, a cordierite stone can be heated from a low temperature to a very high one without cracking. These stones can figuratively withstand any amount of heat that your oven or grill can produce while still producing pizzas year after year.
Cordierite Stone Meaning in Ancient Lore and History
Louis Cordier, a French geologist, is the inventor of the mineral cordierite, which was first identified in specimens from Njar, Almera, Spain, in 1813. Magnesium, iron, aluminum, and silicon make up the naturally occurring mineral complex known as cordierite, which was first identified more than 200 years ago. It can be discovered, among other places, close to tin veins in Southern English mines. Because of its prominent pleochroism, cordierite is occasionally referred to as dichroite.
Cordierite Metaphysical Properties
Cordierite seems to favor deep shamanic trips and astral travel. This stone enhances your inner perception and helps psychic talents excellently. Cordierite and the third eye chakra are closely related. This chakra, which is located in the middle of the brow, governs our inner vision, intuition, and understanding of both ourselves and the outside world. When the third eye is open and clear, we are more sensitive to the universe’s signals and better able to reflect.
To know what are the best crystals for travel, read here.
Along with boosting the cosmic link with the spirit world and enhancing clairvoyance abilities and the capacity to ascend to higher realms, the energy of Cordierite also seeps upwards toward the crown chakra. To know the other best crystals for the Crown Chakra, read here.
Cordierite’s meaning works well with the throat chakra, attracting clear communication that emanates from the very genuine depths of the self, even though it is primarily tuned to those higher chakras. Cordierite is also thought to aid in memory retrieval and past life exploration. To know the other best crystals for the throat chakra, click here.
Cordierite Benefits
- Cordierite would facilitate restful sleep and aid with falling asleep.
- It would promote healthy liver and vesicle function.
- Cordierite would help in cases of paralysis by bolstering nerves.
- Cordierite will help to reduce body acidity issues including rheumatism and stomach acidity.
- It would aid iron absorption.
- It would lessen the body’s fat reserves.
- Malaria and fever could be effectively treated with Cordierite.
- The cordierite would promote the growth of hair and nails.
- Cordierite would work well as an analgesic for headaches.
- The cordierite would be effective against persistent sinus issues and sore throats.
Cordierite Benefits Spirituality
Cordierite gently enhances, heightens, and develops your psychic skills. It will help you understand the limits of your mental potential. For those with high potential who are just starting out on the spiritual path, Cordierite is a good stone. It promotes and defends esoteric research. This stone fosters success and curiosity. You are guided by Cordierite as you begin and develop spiritually. It is helpful for those who are just beginning their spiritual opening.
The best stone for meditation is Cordierite. A third eye stone to open your ability to calm your mind, slow down your thoughts, and relax is the indigo blue variation. Use this stone to guide you as you explore the realm of spiritual truths. It facilitates connection with Ascended Masters, spirit guides, and loved ones on the other side.
Cordierite & Feng Shui
When our lives feel hectic, cordierite helps us regain perspective and sheds a new, dazzling light of inspiration. It awakens the astral bodies and psychic awareness with the energy of twilight, a lovely violet hue. It is perfect for astral projection and other inner vision exercises because it exposes worlds beyond ordinary waking consciousness. It is a superb support stone that promotes courage, strength, and wisdom.
Cordierite Birthstone
Cordierite is a fantastic astrological stone for people born under the signs of Taurus, Libra, and Sagittarius because of its astral connections and cosmic energies. Cordierite can assist boost all Taureans to heavenly new heights, bringing this stoic earth sign to new heights. Taureans are all about the practical side of life, and occasionally they need a little prodding to dream bigger and think outside the box. Cordierite is capable of performing this.
Sagittarians will also be completely enamored with the balanced beauty of Cordierite. Cordierite, with its powerful psychic connections and protective energy, is ready to be a talisman for these born travelers who don’t hesitate to go off the beaten route. Sagittarians are already inquisitive and independent.
Cordierite Chakras
The third eye chakra, also known as the Ajna chakra, is located between the eyebrows. The Sanskrit word Ajna, which also means “perceive,” “command,” or “beyond wisdom,” refers to the center of intuition. You can see clearly after clearing any illusions or drama with the aid of this chakra. It has an indigo hue. Symptoms of a blocked third eye chakra include Disconnection, lack of focus, worry, self-doubt, mental instability, and irregular sleeping patterns.
Strong perception, knowledge, a potent spiritual life, focus and determination, and a stronger intuition power are all attributes of a third eye chakra that is balanced and activated. Cordierite, a stone of vision, can open the Third Eye Chakra and improve intuitive vision by balancing all the chakras. Its calming energy can clear the aura and facilitate inner communication. This gem aids in enhancing immunity, enhancing sleep, and reducing negative behaviors.
The natural healing stone will restore harmony to your life, relieve tension, and restore equilibrium. The third-eye chakra is awakened and aligned by the violet-blue energy of Cordierite. It removes negative energy vibrations and creates space for healing. When kept close, the gemstone has the power to solve all of your problems—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
The crown chakra jewel of Amethyst, another stone drenched in spiritual energy, is a good choice if you’re looking for stones that go well with the mood of Cordierite. Garnet’s ruby tones complement Cordierite beautifully as well. Along with Lapis Lazuli and the protective stone Hematite, other gemstones that discover a gleam of joy in the company of the Water Sapphire include Green Aventurine and Tanzanite. Cordierite can be worn with a Blue Sapphire for powerful deepwater energy to reflect the charm of the stone.
What are the Uses of Cordierite?
There are not many industrial uses for the mineral cordierite. It can be utilized as a raw material to create ceramic components for catalytic converters. Instead, synthetic cordierite is employed because of its uniform qualities and reliable supply.
Caring for Cordierite
When to Cleanse Cordierite
- To get rid of any dust and lose cordierite particles, unwrap the stone and clean it off with a moist towel.
- Place the stone in a cold oven and heat it to the oven’s maximum temperature, usually 500–550°F/260–290°C, for 60–90 minutes. Then, remove the stone from the oven and allow it to cool. Your baking stone is now ready.
- Your stone may eventually develop stains; to remove them, gently remove any burned-on debris with a scraper. If possible, run your stone through your oven’s self-clean cycle or leave it at its highest temperature for a couple of hours.
- To get rid of surface stains and debris, you can rinse the stone with simple water if necessary.
- Under no circumstances should you ever use soap, detergent, or oil on your stone since they will cause the cordierite to absorb the liquid and make it unusable for baking.
How to Recharge Your Cordierite
- To ascertain the impact of the mechanical activation and the addition of TeO2 on the kinetic and thermodynamic characteristics of these processes, thermally activated processes in cordierite-based ceramics were examined.
- It was discovered that both mechanical activation and the addition of TeO2 have a considerable impact on processes in cordierite-based ceramics using a combination of dilatometry and DTA measurements in the temperature range of 100-1400 °C.
- Cordierite ceramics’ sintering temperature was lowered to approximately 1100 °C by adding TeO2 in a 5 mass% concentration and mechanically activating the material for 40 minutes.
- Additionally, the study of DTA measurements of mechanically activated samples shows that the mechanical activation causes the cordierite formation to intensify due to an increase in the concentration of surface flaws and a grain-to-powder surface area in the initial powder.
Cordierite Activation Process
It’s crucial to keep your Cordierite charged and purified if you want it to radiate light at infinite energy levels. Crystals are deep energy workers, and they frequently need a small boost to keep working as effectively as possible. Before being disposed of, Cordierite can be washed with some warm water and mild soap by running it under a stream of water.
Since it is highly sensitive to heat, always use soft, mild temperatures to control it. Place your Cordierite in natural light for an hour to charge it (avoid really bright direct sunlight). Then sit back and watch nature do its wonders. Additionally, this stone gains from being tumbled with other rock crystals to give it more energy.
What Determines Cordierite’s Price and Value?
The price per carat for finer, darker blue to violet Cordierite crystals weighing one to five carats ranges from $60 to $80. Collectors should anticipate paying between US$100 and US$150 per carat for more valuable stones that weigh between five and ten carats.
Cordierite Impact
- Cordierite Impact During Typical Dealing
Cordierite is not known to have any harmful impact when dealt with, under natural circumstances. It does not have any such chemicals that may cause harm to human skin when handled. However, it is better to not be in close contact with such chemicals that may cause a reaction.
- Cordierite Impact While Cutting
Cordierite must not be cut with regular knives as it is one of the hardest crystals with a Mohs hardness value of 6.5 – 7, making it relatively hard and scratch-proof. Cutting and processing of this stone should always be done under professional supervision and never at home. Not being careful with such hard crystals may lead to fatal consequences.
Does Cordierite make a Good Jewelry Stone?
When cordierite is clear and transparent, it is valued as a gemstone. Cordierite is the name given to it in the gem and jewelry industries. Cordierite is a blue pleochroic stone that resembles tanzanite and sapphire in appearance. It is significantly less expensive than either of these jewels and can be used as a substitute. In contrast to sapphire and tanzanite, Cordierite is not known to undergo heat, irradiation, or other color-enhancing treatments in the gem industry. That appeals to a lot of people.
Cordierite’s high pleochroism makes it a difficult material to facet. The cutter must carefully inspect the gem and position its axis of superior color perpendicular to the plane of the gem’s table. Only if these cutting guidelines are followed can one produce a gem with good color. It is uncommon to find faceted Cordierite gems weighing more than five carats. Most gemstones weigh no more than two carats. Because Cordierite frequently has a dark tone, these little stones frequently have the nicest hue.
Cordierite is tough enough for usage in various gem applications thanks to its Mohs hardness of 7 to 7 1/2. Its noticeable cleavage in one direction is its primary physical drawback. Because of this, it is prone to breaking when utilized in rings or other objects that might be subjected to hard handling.
Cordierite is seldom used in jewelry sold by mainstream merchants. Because it is not being marketed, the typical customer is unaware of this gem. Because they are unsure that a plentiful supply of high-quality material will be available to sustain them, jewelers don’t order or sell it. This is unexpected given the wide distribution of substantial Cordierite deposits. Its price is cheap since its value in the gem trade has not been established.
Cordierite is a wonderful pick for your gemstone jewelry collection because of its moving clouds and pure energy, which merge beauty and great energy. Wearing a Cordierite bracelet or ring has numerous advantages that go far beyond aesthetics. Cordierite can deliver all of that uplifting spiritual energy right to your soul when it is touched near the skin.
Cordierite Real vs Fake
Let us understand how to judge whether the cordierite real or fake:
- Its typically significant pleochroism is one of the distinguishing features of colored Cordierite (not all of it is colored). A small dichroscope is inexpensive, easily carried in a pocket, and a helpful tool for identifying transparent/translucent crystals either on the go or on the bench.
- Cordierite (Cordierite) is harder than quartz- After running a scratch test on this specimen, it can be clearly observed that quartz scrapes it. The hardness of cordierite is described in texts as being 7-7 1/2, whereas that of quartz is 7.
What is Cordierite used for?
There isn’t much commercial usage for natural minerals. Cordierite can be carved into gems when it is clear, and the stones from Sri Lanka’s gem gravels are known as water sapphires. Due to its resilience to thermal shock and minimal thermal expansion, synthetic magnesium cordierite is utilized as a semi-refractory material.
How is Cordierite formed?
Typically, cordierite forms when pelitic rocks are metamorphosed locally or in contact. It occurs frequently in hornfels made by the contact metamorphism of pelitic rocks in particular. Cordierite-spinel-plagioclase-orthopyroxene and sillimanite-cordierite-spinel are two typical metamorphic mineral assemblages.
Where should I put Cordierite?
In schists and paragneisses, as well as thermally altered clay-rich strata surrounding igneous intrusions
How do you cleanse Cordierite?
The stone should be removed from its packaging, then cleaned with a damp towel to remove any dust and lose cordierite particles. The stone should be heated for 60 to 90 minutes at the oven’s highest temperature, which is often 500 to 550 °F (260 to 290 °C). After that, take the stone out of the oven and let it cool. You can now use your baking stone.
Is Cordierite rare?
Rare cordierite crystals, which grow as pseudohexagonal short prisms with faces ridged vertically, are always stony.
How strong is Cordierite?
Cordierite stones are made to outlive all others and are a little more pricey. The mineral cordierite is widely recognized for its capacity to withstand high temperatures. It is made of the same thermal shock-resistant material that is used to construct kiln shelves. As a result, a cordierite stone can be heated from a low temperature to a very high one without cracking.
How much is Cordierite worth?
Finer, deeper blue to violet Cordierite crystals weighing one to five carats often cost between $60 and $80 per carat. For more precious stones weighing between five and ten carats, collectors should plan to pay between US$100 and US$150 per carat.
How do you Identify Cordierite?
The characteristic pleochroism of colored Cordierite is one of its defining characteristics (not all of it is colored). An affordable, portable, compact dichroscope is a useful tool for recognizing transparent or translucent crystals on the bench or while on the go. The scratch test on this specimen clearly shows that quartz scrapes cordierite (Cordierite), which is tougher than quartz. According to the literature, cordierite has a hardness of 7-7 1/2 while quartz has a hardness of 7.