Phosphophyllite Meaning: Healing Properties, Benefits and Uses

One of the rarest gemstones, Phosphophyllite is highly prized by collectors. The prismatic or thick, tabular-shaped crystals range in color from colorless to deep blue-green, but the best specimens are a very delicate shade of bluish-green. Phosphophyllite is brittle and fragile, yet it is rarely cut because huge crystals are too valuable to be broken up.
Bolivia produces the best crystals, including the only genuine faceted specimens. New Hampshire and Germany are two more places (USA).
Suggested Reading: Green Crystals: Names with Meaning, Benefits and Healing Properties
Table of Contents
What is Phosphophyllite?
Phosphophyllite’s name, which alludes to both its chemistry and its flawless cleavage, is phosphate leaf. Phosphophyllite, also known as hydrated zinc-iron phosphate, has the chemical formula Zn2Fe(PO4)2 • 4(H2O) and weighs 448.40 gm. It is one of the world’s rarest diamonds and a very rare mineral.
The refractive index of Phosphophyllite is 1.595 to 1.620 Biaxial, and its specific gravity ranges from 3.08 to 3.13 (g/cm3) ( – ). Due to its distinctive and exquisitely delicate bluish-green hue, Phosphophyllite is highly coveted by both mineral specimens and gem collectors. Phosphophyllite has been dubbed “the holy grail of minerals” in recognition of its extreme rarity.
How to Identify a Phosphophyllite?
The most well-known gemstone that has color similarities to Phosphophyllite is aquamarine, however, it has optical and physical characteristics that are very different from those of Phosphophyllite.
Apatite and pargasite are gemstones that may exhibit blue-green hues with specific gravity (SG) and refractive index (RI) ranges that overlap with Phosphophyllite. While Phosphophyllite lacks pleochroism, both of these diamonds do. Phosphophyllites are, of course, much rarer than these gemstones.
- Phosphophyllite Cuts
Only at Hagendorf, Germany was Phosphophyllite discovered as tiny, translucent, bluish-green crystals that rarely grew larger than 1/4 inch in diameter. However, stunning euhedral crystals that are completely transparent and up to 2 inches by 1 inch by 3/4 inches in size have recently been discovered in Poopo, Bolivia.
There are very few of these magnificent jewels that have been cut, and the Bolivian material has vanished from the market very rapidly. The Smithsonian holds an emerald-cut specimen weighing 5.04 carats.
Although Phosphophyllite is fairly robust overall, it is fragile and tends to split along a perfect cleavage plane. Stick shellac can be used for doping, albeit it is little heat sensitive. It should be ground on a copper/diamond lap, and Linde P works well for polishing it on tin or wax.
- Phosphophyllite Shapes
Phosphophyllite is known for its beautiful blue-green tones, and skilled cutting brings out its beauty. Unfortunately, there aren’t many large face table crystals of this gem because it’s very brittle and challenging to cut. Because of this, Phosphophyllite is one of the more sought-after, costly, and collectible gemstones.
Where is Phosphophyllite Found?
A rare zinc phosphate mineral called Phosphophyllite is only found in a few places. Only the Unificada Mine in Bolivia’s Potos City and Potos Department produces crystals of gem quality. In Krause’s vein, the first crystals were discovered there in the middle of the 1950s. Since then, none have been discovered that are nearly as lovely.
The Cornelia Mine in Hagendorf, Bavaria, Germany has also produced crystals, however, they are quite little and pale, and they do not even come close to matching the incredible hue of the crystals from Bolivia. At the Foote Mine in the Kings Mountain District of Cleveland County, North Carolina, USA, tiny, light-colored crystals have also been discovered. Only extremely tiny crystals that are too small to facet are produced at either of these places.
Phosphophyllite Stone Meaning
Phosphorus is present in its chemical makeup, and the name comes from the Greek word phyllon, which means “leaf.”
A rare mineral made of hydrated zinc phosphate is called Phosphophyllite. Its name is a combination of the chemical makeup (phosphate) and the Greek word for “leaf,” phyllon, which alludes to the way it is divided. Collectors regard it highly for both its scarcity and its exquisite bluish-green hue. Because it is weak and brittle and because huge crystals are too valuable to be broken up, Phosphophyllite is rarely cut.
Although it is no longer mined there, Potos, Bolivia, produces the finest Phosphophyllite crystals. Other sources include Hagendorf, Bavaria, Germany, and New Hampshire, USA. It frequently coexists with the minerals triphylite and chalcopyrite.
Phosphophyllite Meaning in Ancient Lore and History
The name “Phosphophyllite” comes from the Greek letter “vφύλλοv” (phyllos), which means “leaf,” and refers to the mineral’s chemistry and flawless, leaf-like cleavage.
But who is the famous name-giver of Phosphophyllite?
In 1920, German mineralogists Heinrich Laubmann and Hermann Steinmetz gave the mineral its official name after examining its chemical makeup (Phosphophyllite is a phosphate).
There is no known history of Phosphophyllite being used industrially or commercially. Today, most of that still holds true. Phosphophyllite is not just a well-known favorite among mineral collectors but also a lesser-known favorite among crystal healers (but more on that in a bit).
Phosphophyllite Crystal properties
The following are the properties of Phosphophyllite crystal:
- 3.10 is the specific gravity.
- Index of Refraction: 1.59–1.62
- DR of Birefringence: 0.021
- Luster: Crystallized Vitreous Arrangement: Monoclinic
- Zinc phosphate hydrated in its natural state
- Strength: 3½
Phosphophyllite Healing Properties
Most crystals can be used as healing stones to improve your mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Although uncommon in crystal therapy, Phosphophyllite is not an exception.
Beyond its aesthetic appeal, Phosphophyllite is praised for being a powerfully transformational crystal for trying times. Additionally, it supports the multiple ways in which your spiritual body is in harmony, enabling you to live a life that is more meaningful on every level.
- Emotional Healing:
Phosphophyllite is thought to help people overcome obstacles in many facets of life. Any stressful or unfavourable circumstance is said to be transformed into a positive one by its vibrations.
Phosphophyllite is a unique crystal since it is thought to become more powerful as tension increases, making it a useful item to have on hand in uncertain situations.
Phosphophyllite crystal can also aid with:
- Creativity
- Motivation
- Self-confidence
- Strength
- Introspection
- Open-mindedness
- Chakra Remedy:
To balance and activate one or more of your chakra energy centers, you can also use some crystals as chakra stones. Your throat (Vishuddha) and heart (Anahata) chakras are tuned by Phosphophyllite.
The center of your communication is your throat chakra. Communication and self-expression fail when obstructed or out of alignment. Your throat chakra is brought back into balance with Phosphophyllite, giving you the confidence to speak your truth and find your voice for both yourself and others.
The heart chakra stands for empathy, partnership, and self-love. You feel emotionally cut off when you’re closed. It leads to emotions like rage, envy, fear of betrayal, and hatred for both oneself and other people. Your heart chakra is opened with Phosphophyllite, enabling you to love yourself, others, and the environment.
Phosphophyllite Metaphysical Properties
A significant portion of the population thinks that Phosphophyllite can improve tranquility and soothe frayed emotions, provide solace to those who are sleep-deprived or who could experience nightmares, foster creativity, and improve the caliber of discussion.
Phosphophyllite is also reported to have positive effects on the body as a whole and the brain in particular. Phosphophyllite can induce relaxation and make the body produce toxins that are soothing and emit feelings of tranquility. It supports stability and self-expression, naturally cools us down, and slows down our metabolic rate. Typically, it serves to suppress appetite.
Some individuals believe that the vibrations generated by Phosphophyllite’s power aid to nurture wisdom, increasing intuition, sharpening the eyes and ears, and improving memory. Phosphophyllite, on the other hand, has the ability to produce vibrations that can help people become more considerate and empathetic while also improving the health of their neck, throat, and shoulders.
Phosphophyllite Benefits
In the world of crystal therapy, there is a lot of interest in the health advantages of Phosphophyllite. Gemstones have been utilized for healing and spiritual purposes since the beginning of time. When worn on the right fingers, the gemstone crystals are claimed to have the power to harness cosmic forces linked to particular planets.
When employed in the healing technique of lithotherapy, which makes use of gems and minerals to reestablish harmonic balance, they are thought to hasten the process of physical and spiritual recovery. In the world of complementary therapies like homeopathy, this treatment is becoming more and more popular.
Phosphophyllite Benefits Spirituality
Many of the spiritual advantages that this stone’s users hope to experience are rooted in emotional health. You’re much more likely to tune into the divine when you’re feeling upbeat and strong.
Some claim that the advantages of Phosphophyllite extend past our own spiritual self. They think it can facilitate your connection to higher realms.
Phosphophyllite is said by many to allow you to receive more spiritual guidance. It’s supposed to open up those channels of contact and make you more receptive to protection and advice from distant regions. Some people even use this crystal in an effort to develop their clairvoyant abilities.
Phosphophyllite & Feng Shui
The Chinese feng shui Bagua’s richest section, Xun, is linked to an abundance of all kinds. Additionally, it has to do with how you view yourself. One of the most well-liked Bagua components, it is connected to the color purple. Try putting a Phosphophyllite crystal in the Xun area of your house or bedroom if you want to focus on attracting greater abundance into your life, whether it be materialistic or not. Standing outside and looking inside, locate the far left corner of your room or home to find Xun or your wealth area.
Phosphophyllite can be a welcome addition to the Helpful People section of the Bagua or Qian due to its capacity to unite heaven and earth. Beneficiaries, travel, and the idea of heaven are all connected to this topic. Phosphophyllite can be placed here to strengthen your link to the sky or to attract extra assistance from unidentified sources. Standing on your front entryway and looking inside could help you locate the Qian position. Qian will be at the right corner closest to you.
Phosphophyllite As Birthstone
Every month has a traditional birthstone or stone of the zodiac that supports that particular sign. Phosphophyllite, on the other hand, is special because it is said to have significant astrological importance, boosting every zodiac sign. The most expensive of the quartz group is Phosphophyllite, one of the most common crystals.
Although historically worn to avoid getting drunk, it is now believed to have a number of modern health advantages for both the body and the mind. This essay will look at the spiritual properties, uses, and history of the gemstone Phosphophyllite and offer some ideas for jewelry design. Phosphophyllite is a material that is highly valued in the jewelry industry.
Phosphophyllite Chakras
Phosphophyllite is a rare mineral with excellent magical qualities, including defense against bad karma and negative energy. You can be protected by the Phosphophyllite crystal, whether you want physical or energy security. Additionally, it can promote loving thoughts, help repair damaged hearts, and shield against mental attacks. Phosphophyllite encourages self-love at a high frequency while balancing the Heart and Crown Chakras, soothing the mind, body, and soul.
Known as a “Master Healing Crystal,” Phosphophyllite. It promotes mental health and encourages the heart to adopt virtuous life pathways. The last crystal is a powerhouse of crystal energy with strong ties to both the crown and heart chakras. As a result, it is great for enhancing relationships with people and deepening their understanding of the holy.
What are the Uses of Phosphophyllite?
- Phosphophyllite is now being used by therapists to encourage a deeper feeling of self, love, light, and well-being.
- Phosphophyllite is well known for its delicate, feminine properties, as well as for its ability to fend against negative energy. It has been demonstrated that using it over the Heart Chakra during relaxation dramatically lessens emotional distress.
- Promoting serenity under tense circumstances is another application.
- providing comfort in a time of sadness.
- A greater sense of intuition is emerging.
- bring about a greater improvement in mental clarity.
Caring for Phosphophyllite
Although Phosphophyllite doesn’t necessarily require a lot of upkeep, its fragility does necessitate some extra care.
This mineral is soluble in the majority of acids, therefore while cleaning your gems, stick to gentle detergents. When removing contaminants, use a gentle touch, warm water, and a soft brush. It should be fully dried and kept away from other gems that could cause it to break or fracture in a cool, cushioned location.
Avoid wearing your Phosphophyllite:
- during strenuous exercises to keep it secure and beautiful.
- severe temperature swings and intense heat
- acidic and abrasive substances
- steam and ultrasonic cleaners
- exposure to more difficult minerals and jewels
When to Cleanse Phosphophyllite?
Any of the following techniques can be used to clean and replenish your Phosphophyllite at least once per month:
- Leave Phosphophyllite in the garden for up to 48 hours.
- The Phosphophyllite should be submerged in running water for a full minute before being dried with a towel.
- Leave your stone in the light of the full moon each month, only taking it out the next day.
- In a saltwater solution that has been saturated with salt, submerge your crystal.
- As you pray or meditate while surrounded by your stones, make the intention for cleaning.
- Burn sage or sandalwood over your Phosphophyllite crystals to purify them.
How to Recharge Your Phosphophyllite?
Phosphophyllite can be charged in a special and effective way by being exposed to the full moon’s light. On an energetic level, moonlight charging takes place. Many people hold the opinion that exposing crystals to moonlight can help them replenish their good energy. The night before or after the Full Moon will yield the finest results if you miss it.
An excellent how-to for moonlight charging of Phosphophyllite is as follows:
Your crystals should be placed outside in a sensible pattern. When left to charge in the moonlight, Phosphophyllite should preferably be placed on a part of the natural earth. You can put your crystals on a windowsill or wooden plate on a balcony, for instance, if you don’t have access to natural soil or grass. The Phosphophyllite should be left outside overnight and collected in the morning. Be careful how long you expose crystals to the sun because some dislike it.
Phosphophyllite Activation Process
Healing stones should be energised after purification at least once every two months (using one of the earlier methods). One of two techniques can be used to trigger the healing stones:
positioning in the moonlight: To revitalise your healing stone, set it in the moonlight (on a balcony or window sill) and leave it there overnight. The ideal time to activate is during a full moon night. On other evenings when the moon is visible, you can also do it.
putting in the sun’s direct rays The sun, which supplies a plentiful amount of energy to revive the crystals, is the universe’s main energy source. The healing stone should be placed in a basin of fresh water and exposed to light (terrace or window-sill). Remove 3 hours later.
How much is Phosphophyllite worth?
As was previously mentioned, the majority of Phosphophyllite for sale is in its raw, uncut state.
Generally, the price of raw Phosphophyllite ranges from $15 to $30 per gram ($3 to $10 per carat). However, some more affordable pieces can be found for between $2 and $5 per gram ($0.40 and $1 per carat).
The cost per carat of faceted Phosphophyllite frequently corresponds to its scarcity. However, faceted stones can cost up to $1800 per carat, with an average price of $400 per carat if you can find them.
What determines Phosphophyllite’s Price and Value?
Naturally, a gem as rare as Phosphophyllite is highly prized, especially when compared to other common stones (like apatite or pargasite). Still, if you know where to look, you can find the mineral for a more reasonable price.
Phosphophyllite Impact
Since ancient times, Phosphophyllites have been renowned for their mystical abilities to treat both physical and mental diseases. One of the astrological gemstones with incredible healing properties is Phosphophyllite.
Are you interested in learning more about how Phosphophyllite affects your personality? When Phosphophyllite stone is worn every day, great astrological benefits can be attained. The person wearing it can overcome all the negative effects of this planet and achieve a state of ideal health and well-being because it is thought that this stone influences the impact of Not Available’s powers.
Does Phosphophyllite make a good jewelry stone?
Phosphophyllite is more likely to be found in mineral collections than in jewelry collections. Cutting this material into gemstones is challenging. Due to its extreme perfection and ease of cleavage, which make it extremely delicate, gem cutters must choose an orientation in which the table of a faceted stone is not parallel to the crystal’s long axis.
Additionally, Phosphophyllite is highly heat sensitive. These diamonds might exfoliate in response to the heat from a jeweler’s torch. To put it another way, apophyllite, as its name suggests, can lose material in the form of flakes or “leaves” when heated. A faceted stone would be challenging to set. Any Phosphophyllite jewelry stones would require protective settings because their hardness is only 4.5 to 5. Keep these diamonds for special occasions only.
Phosphophyllite Real vs Fake
Genuine Phosphophyllite gemstones need to be imperfect and come in a variety of purple tones. A Phosphophyllite gem with a single color is almost definitely false. Natural Phosphophyllite stones will have white, blue, and green color zoning. A genuine Phosphophyllite gem won’t have bubbles, although there might be threads and impurities behind the surface.
Summary of Phosphophyllite
Name of Crystal | Phosphophyllite |
Precious | Yes |
Semi-Precious | Yes |
Other Names | — |
Origin(s) | |
Color(s) | Potosí, Bolivia |
Formation | Synthesized synthetically by the addition of diammonium phosphate to a solution of zinc and iron sulfate. |
Majorly Found at | Association with the minerals chalcopyrite and triphylite |
Zodiac Suited for | Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer |
Chakra | Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra |
Crystal Meaning | A rare mineral composed of hydrated zinc phosphate |
Types of Crystal | — |
Healing Properties | Has the meaning and properties to heal a tired mind |
Health Benefits | Have abilities to channel cosmic energies associated with certain planets when worn on the right fingers |
Uses | For research into phosphating metals |
Goes in Water? | Yes |
Goes in Salt Water? | Yes |
Goes in Rain Water? | No |
Goes in Moon Water? | No |
Moh’s Scale | 3.5 |
Real | Real Phosphophyllite is a rare crystal composed of hydrated zinc phosphate. |
Fake | The types of phospho[hyllites that are readily available at cheap prices are usually fake. |
What is Phosphophyllite used for?
Phosphophyllite is now being used by therapists to encourage a deeper feeling of self, love, light, and well-being. Phosphophyllite is well known for its delicate, feminine properties, as well as for its ability to fend against negative energy. It has been demonstrated that using it over the Heart Chakra during relaxation dramatically lessens emotional distress. Promoting serenity under tense circumstances is another application. Providing comfort in a time of sadness. A greater sense of intuition is emerging. Bring about a greater improvement in mental clarity.
How is Phosphophyllite formed?
A rare gemstone called Phosphophyllite is made of hydrated zinc phosphate.
Where should I put Phosphophyllite?
The top of your head, any area close to or around your face (such as the ears and forehead), the tops of your thumbs, the tops of your big toes, and the palm or wrist of your left hand are the greatest places to keep Phosphophyllite on your body.
How do you cleanse Phosphophyllite?
Any of the following techniques can be used to clean and replenish your Phosphophyllite at least once per month:
- Leave Phosphophyllite in the garden for up to 48 hours.
- The Phosphophyllite should be submerged in running water for a full minute before being dried with a towel.
- Leave your stone in the light of the full moon each month, only taking it out the next day.
- In a saltwater solution that has been saturated with salt, submerge your crystal.
- As you pray or meditate while surrounded by your stones, make the intention for cleaning.
- Burn sage or sandalwood over your Phosphophyllite crystals to purify them.
Is Phosphophyllite rare?
A rare mineral made of hydrated zinc phosphate is called Phosphophyllite. Its name is derived from both its chemical makeup and the Greek word for “leaf,” phyllon, which alludes to the way in which it is divided. Collectors regard it highly for both its scarcity and its exquisite bluish-green hue.
How strong is Phosphophyllite?
The majority of valuable specimens are kept in mineral collections, and cutting any sizable crystal of Phosphophyllite is a dangerous task due to its low hardness (3–3.5), brittle tenacity, excellent cleavage, and heat sensitivity. Gem-quality material has so far been made in Bolivia and Germany. Only Bolivian Phosphophyllites, nevertheless, have been removed.
How much is Phosphophyllite worth?
As was previously mentioned, the majority of Phosphophyllite for sale is in its raw, uncut state. Generally, the price of raw Phosphophyllite ranges from $15 to $30 per gram ($3 to $10 per carat). However, some more affordable pieces can be found for between $2 and $5 per gram ($0.40 and $1 per carat). The cost per carat of faceted Phosphophyllite frequently corresponds to its scarcity. However, faceted stones can cost up to $1800 per carat, with an average price of $400 per carat if you can find them.
How do you identify Phosphophyllite?
Phosphophyllite can be identified by the following properties:
- Vitreous, Sub-Vitreous, Resinous, Waxy.
- Transparent, Translucent.
- Color: Bright blue-green to colorless; colorless in transmitted light.
- 3 – 3½ on the Mohs scale. Tenacity: Brittle.
- Cleavage: Perfect. … 3.08 – 3.13 g/cm3 (Measured) 3.12 g/cm3 (Calculated)
- Crystal System: Monoclinic
- Name: Named in 1920 by Heinrich Laubmann and Hermann Steinmetz in reference to its phosphate composition and physical structure, the name is derived from the Greek word, phyllos, which means leaf and alludes to the crystal’s flawless cleavage.