Septarian: Meaning, Healing Properties, Benefits and Uses

Septarian is one of the most gorgeous and fascinating stones you will ever see. That is so because no two gemstones have an identical appearance! The Latin word “septum,” which signifies “seven,” or “saeptum,” which implies “a wall or an enclosure,” is the source of the English term “septarian.” The name of the stone was also given because of how it appears to take the shape of a seven.
The mudball that has developed on the ocean floor divides into seven separate spots and spreads out in all directions. As a consequence, you get a striking and unique dragon skin pattern. Other names for septarian include Septaria, Septeyre, and Dragon Stone. The septarian contains a variety of minerals. You can see calcite in the yellow areas, and aragonite in the brown edges. The grey patterns are either chalcedony or limestone, whereas the white lines are baryte. Read on to learn more about this beautiful gemstone.
Also Read: Septarian Nodule Meaning: Healing Properties, Benefits and Uses
Table of Contents
What is Septarian?
A stunning crystal that is millions of years old is called septarian. Its whirling interior contains a piece of wisdom and time. You’ve come to the right site if you’re curious in the characteristics and significance of septarian stones.
Aragonite, calcite, and limestone make up septarian. Since it appears to form in patterns of seven, the term Septarian is derived from the Latin word septem, which means seven. Calcite, aragonite, and limestone make up the yellow, brown, and outer grey materials, respectively. Some specimens may also contain Barite that is white or clear. Pure Earth brown describes the energy. It is a wonderful stone for reducing tension and anxiety and for promoting tranquility during meditation.
How to Identify a Septarian?
The color should have shades of white or blue in contrast to purple, and there should be some color zoning. A stone that is uniformly one particular shade of purple is probably a fake. In the Septarian, you should also keep an eye out for things like pops and cracks.
- Septarian Cuts and Septarian Shapes
This stone is cut in an irregular shape. Each septarian specimen is distinct and possesses an antiquated aspect that makes using these stones to create jewelry a delight. Due to seed bead centerpieces, wire wrapping, macramé nets, and other weaving, septarian samples are most frequently utilized in jewelry because they typically lack a stringing hole.
To emphasize the pattern and draw attention to the item, use seed beads, wire, or cording that matches the septarian inclusion hues. Earthy colors, especially those in the deep green, brown, and taupe color groups, are a favorite to use with septarian.
Where is Septarian Found?
Septarian is mainly found in the Southern Utah Gulf of Mexico.
Septarian Stone Meaning
Numerous individuals think that septarian is both a healing and a protective stone. Septarian comforts and grounds the wearer, fostering feelings of joy and comprehension. This adaptable stone is a speaking gemstone that is claimed to help the wearer communicate more effectively.
The energies of Septarian are quite powerful in absorbing calcium. They can also help energize your entire body and warm your extremities. In addition to providing your immune system with a much-needed boost, septarian will assist in pain relief. It can also aid in reducing muscle spasms and nighttime twitches. It helps with seasonal affective disorder and can be used to get rid of growths before they become problematic or even fatal.
Septarian can aid with kidney, blood, and skin issues and can boost metabolism when used with Snow Quartz. Additionally, it’s good for the spleen, gall bladder, and circulatory system. It helps with both storing minerals in your veins and accelerating tissue recovery. It can treat open wounds, strengthen the bones and joints, and ease hysteria, nightmares, dementia, and senility symptoms.
Septarian Meaning in Ancient Lore and History
The Cretaceous epoch, when sea levels were substantially higher, is thought to be when septarian specimens developed. Small marine life was killed by volcanic eruptions and other events, and it then sank to the seafloor. Sediments would build up as the specimens decayed and form a nodule or mud ball. These mudballs shrank and cracked as a result of being exposed to the air and drying out after the oceans gradually receded. This cracking produces the lovely patterns you see on the inside of septarian clusters.
One of the most stunning and intriguing stones you will come across is septarian stone. This phrase implies “seven,” which is Latin for “the wall.” Looking at the stone, it seems to have taken the shape of the number seven. Various other names for the Septarian stone include septaria, septeyre, and dragon stone or dragon egg. Numerous mixed minerals can be found in Septarian stone.
Septarian Crystal Properties
Geodes made of yellow calcite, brown aragonite, greyish limestone, and white or transparent barite are known as septarian examples. The Latin word “septum,” which means “partition,” is where the word “septarian” originates. As a reaction to cracking, septarian nodules feature angular cavities known as septaria, which divide the stone throughout. Each of these unusual septaria can have a variety of fractures and can be any length. On a layer of aragonite on bentonite clay, calcite seeps through the fissures of septarian to produce calcite crystals. The nodule eventually turns to stone as the bentonite is finally replaced by limestone.
Suggested Reading: Barite Meaning: Healing Properties, Benefits and Uses
Septarian Healing Properties
These ancient stones possess a wide range of metaphysical powers. Numerous individuals think that septarian is both a healing and a protective stone. Septarian comforts and grounds the wearer, fostering feelings of joy and comprehension. This adaptable stone is a speaking stone that is claimed to help the wearer communicate more effectively. The root, sacral, and solar plexus chakras are connected to Septarian.
A stone of connectedness to the spiritual world and to other people, septarian. It is said to be beneficial for persons going through or recovering from addiction. The healing of one’s emotions is claimed to benefit from septarian as well. Septarian can assist in re-orienting you to the path of spiritual development if you feel disoriented or disconnected.
A stone signifying totality, unity, and oneness is septarian. It inspires you to strike a balance within and make spiritual connections. Additionally, it fosters interpersonal connections that encourage harmony and comprehension.
Septarian Metaphysical Healing Properties
Any person who utilizes septarian experiences a significant and varied impact on their lives. The minerals that are present in the stones each have unique effects on you that can change depending on a certain factor.
Black Star Sapphire and Septarian might increase your sense of privacy. You’ll suddenly realize that you’re revealing too much about your personal life online, which will make you want to step back and withdraw into your shell.
You’ll realize that not everyone needs to be aware of every detail about you and your life and that maintaining a feeling of mystery and privacy in today’s society is still crucial.
Your body, mind, and spirit can all be brought into balance through septarian. You will experience harmony and calm throughout your entire body, enabling you to meet life’s obstacles head-on with assurance and grace.
It will bring your intellect, feelings, and higher mind into harmony. It will help you grasp aspects of this life that you previously didn’t, and this understanding will help you lead an enlightened life.
Benefits of Septarian
The septarian stone’s energies are quite powerful at absorbing calcium. Additionally, they can energize your entire body and assist in warming your limbs.
The septarian stone will assist in pain relief and provide much-needed support for your immune system. It can assist in reducing muscle spasms and twitching at night.
It helps with seasonal mood disorders and can aid in getting rid of growths that could eventually become significant and life-threatening issues.
It can aid with renal, blood, and skin diseases and enhance metabolism. The spleen, liver, and circulatory system are all benefited from it. It can hasten the repair of your tissues in addition to storing minerals in your veins.
It can support the skeleton and joints, heal open wounds, and aid in the treatment of hysteria, bad nightmares, dementia, and aging. When you are weak, the septarian stone will offer you strength. They are capable of solving issues well.
Septarian Benefits Spirituality
Septarian has a strong emphasis on wholeness, unity, and oneness in its spiritual meaning.
It inspires you to strike a balance within and make spiritual connections. Additionally, septarian fosters interpersonal relationships that foster understanding and collaboration.
It is a stone that promotes emotional and physical healing. People who are recovering from addiction or battling addiction are said to benefit from septarian.
A fantastic meditation stone that can facilitate communication with your higher self is septarian. It challenges you to examine yourself and discover your own realities. Septarian is an excellent stone for emotional healing because it also aids in the release of bad energy and emotions.
Septarian can assist in re-orienting you to the path of spiritual development if you feel disoriented or disconnected.
Septarian & Feng Shui
Focusing on nourishing energies, steadiness, and growth, Septarian is related to the components of Air and Fire, the zodiac sign of Taurus, and the Root Chakra. Septarian, one of the most valuable stones in Asian culture, improves luck, health, and general well-being. It is associated with recovery, expansion, and vital life energy in feng shui. It may offer safety and wealth.
Septarian Birthstone
Although septarian is not a conventional birthstone, it can be used as a substitute for people who do not have one. It can aid in fostering and promoting the traits connected to your astrological sign.
Septarian Chakras
The root, sacral, and solar plexus chakras are connected to the septarian. Septarian comforts and grounds the person who bears it, fostering feelings of joy and comprehension. This multipurpose stone is a communication stone that is claimed to help the wearer communicate more effectively. The root, sacral, and solar plexus chakras are connected to the septarian.
What are the Uses of Septarian?
Any person who utilizes septarian experiences a significant and varied impact on their lives. The minerals that are present in the stones each have unique effects on you that can change depending on a certain factor.
Black Star Sapphire and Septarian might increase your sense of privacy. You’ll suddenly come to the realization that you’re revealing too much about your personal life online, which will make you want to step back and withdraw into your shell.
You’ll realize that not everyone needs to be aware of every detail about you and your life and that maintaining a feeling of mystery and privacy in today’s society is still crucial.
Your body, mind, and spirit can all be brought into balance through septarian. You will experience harmony and calm throughout your entire body, enabling you to meet life’s obstacles head-on with assurance and grace.
It will bring your intellect, feelings, and higher mind into harmony. It will help you grasp aspects of this life that you previously didn’t, and this understanding will help you lead an enlightened life. Additionally enhancing your speech is Septarian, especially when used with Zebra Stone. This will be especially useful if you do a lot of speeches in public. It can aid you in both customer presentations and knowledge-sharing when you instruct others.
This stone can provide the power that will make your viewers feel as though you are talking directly to them and will have an impact on them personally. Your audience will remain interested in you long after you have finished speaking thanks to it.
Your stress and anxiety can be reduced, and you can unwind with the aid of septarian and novaculite. It’s a terrific relaxing stone and a very useful tool for meditation. Your mood will be properly calmed by its colors. Whether you’re at home, at work, or on the road, it can improve your mood in general.
- You can see calcite in the yellow areas, and aragonite in the brown lines. Barite patterns are white, and calcedon or limestone patterns are grey.
- Anyone who utilizes septarian stone experiences a significant and unique change in their lives. Your sensation of privacy may arise with septoria. It may cause you to take a step back and withdraw into your shell when you suddenly discover that you’re disclosing details of your life on social media.
- Your body, mind, and spirit can all be brought into equilibrium by the septarian stone. It will ensure that everything in your life is in peace and harmony, enabling you to face life’s problems head-on with assurance and elegance.
- It will bring your intellect, emotions, and superior mind into harmony.
- You will be able to learn new things about life as a result, and these insights will help you become more enlightened.
- Zebra and Septarian stones work well together to enhance communication. This will be quite beneficial, especially if you speak in front of large crowds.
- It might aid in your ability to instruct others and communicate information during customer presentations and will keep your audience engaged and safeguard their interests.
- Your stress and worry can be reduced, and the septarian stone can aid in relaxation. Because it also has excellent soothing effects, it is a highly helpful tool in meditation.
- Your mood will be successfully calmed by your color. You may feel happy at home, at work, or just generally on your trip.
How to Care for Septarian?
To clean the sample, gently soak the septarian with heated water. Before wearing or storing the jewelry with septarian, it should be well dried. It is not advised to use this geode with any nasty chemicals, ultrasonic equipment, or steam cleaners. Because septarian samples have a lower Mohs hardness of 3-1/2 to 4, they are susceptible to breaking as well as surface blemishing such as divots, scratches, and other surface alterations. Keep the septarian crystal away from hard objects when storing it; ideally, place it in a soft pouch or a different bead tray.
How to Cleanse Septarian?
- Just rinse your septarian under flowing water to clean it. If necessary, you can also apply a mild soap or detergent.
- Before keeping your stone, make sure it is totally dry. The best place to keep septarian is a cool, dry area.
- Avoid leaving your stone near water or in the sun’s direct beams.
- This will make it more likely that your stone will stay in good shape and continue to function properly.
How to Recharge Your Septarian?
On Sunday, Septarian needs to be recharged. Because Septarian is the sun’s birthstone and only the sun can recharge the septarian stone, fetch a bowl of GangaJal or other holy water, dip the Septarian ring therein, and then place it outside at sunrise for 40 minutes. Remove the Septarian ring after 40 minutes, wash it with regular water, and then put it on.
What is Septarian Activation process?
To cleanse and activate a Septarian gemstone, all you have to do is submerge it for 30 minutes in milk, honey, and pure water. After a gemstone has been cleaned, place it on the right hand’s ring finger.
How Much is Septarian worth?
The price of a septarian can range from $5 to $200(as of 2022), but it may vary with time.
What determines Septarian’s price and value?
- The factors which determine its price and value are:
- Beauty
- Rarity
- Durability
- Color
- Size
- Clarity
- Cut.
What is the Impact of Septarian?
- The gemstone inspires you to achieve inner calm and establish a connection with the spiritual world, according to the spiritual meaning of septarian.
- By facilitating your social interactions, Septarian also fosters cooperation and understanding. It is a stone that enhances both mental and physical health.
- People in recovery or struggling with addiction are claimed to benefit from septarian. A great meditation stone that might help you communicate with your higher self is septarian.
- You are inspired to study yourself and learn about your own realities by the meaning of the septarian nodule.
- Because it aids in the release of negative energy and emotions, septarian is also a helpful stone for emotional recovery.
Does Septarian make a Good Jewelry Stone?
Yes, you can make any type of jewelry with this gemstone. Each septarian variety is distinct and possesses an antiquated aspect that makes using these stones to create jewelry a delight. Due to seeded bead bezel, wire wrapping, macramé nets, and other braiding, septarian specimens are most frequently utilized in jewelry because they typically lack a stringing hole.
Septarian Real vs Fake
There are various ways to determine whether a Septarian is genuine or not.
One approach is to consider the color. Contrary to false Septarian, which is often one solid color, real Septarian will be a mixture of colors. Feeling the stone’s texture is another technique to determine this. While false Septarian will be slick, real Septarian will be harsh.
Additionally, you can look for bubbles and inclusions. Inclusions and bubbles will be present in genuine septarian, but not in counterfeit septarian. It is always preferable to get advice from a certified crystal expert if you are unsure.
Septarian is a grounding gemstone, helping you to center yourself and connect with your body, mind, and soul. It’s a great talisman for issues with the spirit or the mind. When you want to create something new from something old, it’s also incredibly effective. The same can be true about your job, connections, and other aspects of your life.
What are the benefits of Septarian?
Numerous individuals think that septarian is both a healing and a protective stone. Septarian comforts and grounds the wearer, fostering feelings of joy and comprehension. This adaptable stone is a communication stone that is claimed to help the wearer communicate more effectively.
Why is a Septarian called Dragon stone?
It is also known as a Dragon stone because of its appearance.
What type of rock is Septarian?
Between 50 and 70 million years ago, mud bubbles called septarian nodules, which are now petrified, first appeared. They are covered in limestone and made of calcite and aragonite. Air bubbles form crystal pockets during the formation of septarian nodules.
Can you put Septarian in water?
Long-term contact with water will cause polished soft septarian to lose their luster.
Where is the Septarian mined?
Gulf of Mexico.
What is a Septarian dragon egg?
Septarian nodules that were cut and polished into the shape of eggs are known as septarian dragon eggs. These polished stones have a “dragon skin” appearance because of the natural, fragmented pattern of the septarian, hence the common name.
What minerals are in Septarian?
They are filled in limestone and made of calcite and aragonite.