Stichtite Meaning: Healing Properties, Benefits and Uses
The mineral Stichtite, which contains hydrated magnesium chromium carbonate hydroxide, is typically found in metamorphic and igneous rocks. its hues range from pale pink to hot pink to an extremely deep purple.
Additionally, there may be a variety of hues in between. It is a stone that can be used to increase your connection to your higher self and aid in healing. As it encourages feelings of unconditional love, kindness, forgiveness, and restoration of emotional distress, it is beneficial to address unsolved conflicts. Antigorite, chromite, and barbertonite—a hexagonal polymorph of Mg6Cr2CO3—all occur in combination with t.
It works nicely when combined with Green Serpentine and a variety of other stones that are employed for this. Stichtite is a wonderful gemstone for healing, and it can aid in problems involving the brain and spinal cord. Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease are reported to be helped by it. Children who have ADHD may also benefit from it. Stichtite energies have a beneficial impact on the brain, altering how you feel and think about eating. Stretch marks can be removed with the use of stichtite’s mending abilities.
It can control blood pressure and is an effective treatment for allergies. It can treat issues with the gums and teeth as well as issues with the nervous system. It may help maintain normal levels of blood pressure. It can relieve tension headaches and stress-related muscle stiffness.
Table of Contents
What is Stichtite?
Stichtite is an extremely distinctive and intricate stone. Its vibrations directly open and link the heart, third eye, and crown chakras. Very few stones we’ve ever worked with have this initial capability, making this intriguing relationship exceedingly rare in nature. One’s intuitive and emotional bodies respond to one another in unison when they are exposed to Stichtite’s purple light. Putting your emotions and deep-seated problems up and centre in your thoughts promotes self-growth and healing.
One will develop self-empathy and work to reintroduce nurturing and love into their energy. The third eye is quite open throughout this encounter and can look past any fabricated sense of reality. One can comprehend thanks to this psychic capacity the source of their internal suffering and where the genuine problem lies. The energies of Stichtite serve as a reminder to tune into our inner spirit and let the world into your heart.
How to Identify Stichtite?
Stichtite is a mineral that is typically found in metamorphic and igneous rock. . As a byproduct of serpentine that contains chromite, stichtite is created. Stichtite is primarily found in Australia, although it has also been discovered in other countries like Brazil, Canada, India, Morocco, Russia, Scotland, and Sweden. Atlantisite is a mineral that is one unique type that exhibits this quality. Its hue is primarily lilac purple, though it can also be pink and lavender. A.S. Wesley made the initial discovery of it in Tasmania, Australia, in 1910. The identifying properties of stichtite are-
- COLOR: Lilac, rose pink, and purple
- Hexagonal crystal structure
- HARDNESS: 1.5-2.5
- TRANSPARENCY: Transparent
- Mg6Cr2(CO3)(OH)16•4 is the chemical composition (H2O)
- Hardness scale: 2 to 2.5
- Fissionability: Uneven fracture, no fissionability
Stichtite Cuts
Stichtite cannot be faceted, however, the pink hue is very noticeable in cabochons. When other minerals are present to provide flecks of green and yellow, cut stones are very stunning. This substance resembles canasite, a pink, granular substance originally from the USSR.
Stichtite Shapes
Stichtite has a nice fragrance that is almost soapy. It is available in a range of hues, including light pink, hot pink, and deep purple. Between are many different shades. It can be found in many places, including South Africa, Canada, and Tasmania in Australia. The shape of green stichtite is oval. This stone is created from altered serpentine-containing chromite.
Where is Stichtite Found?
The sensation of this stone is pleasant and somewhat soapy. Many places have it, including South Africa, Canada, and Tasmania in Australia. This stone can be found in many locations, and it comes in a variety of colours, including light pink, medium hot pink, deep purple, and many hues in between.
The name of this stone, which was given to honour the mine manager who oversaw its discovery from Tasmania in 1910, has to do with that location. The combination of Stichtite and Serpentine, which occurs naturally in Tasmania, is now referred to as Atlantisite. This combination can be used for kundalini awakening., which is one of its very strong applications.
Stichtite Stone Meaning
The mine manager who made the initial discovery of this stone in Tasmania in 1910, Robert Stich, is the source of the stone’s name. Stichtite is an uncommon and challenging stone. It radiates forces that unite and energise the heart, third eye, and crown chakras. Hydrated carbonate mineral produces stichtite.
The light pink shade, medium hot pink shade, deep purple hue, and some more shades in between are the most common colour ranges for Stichtite. One can connect with the energies of love, forgiveness, and enlightenment via the use of Stitchite. Protection from evil is offered by stichtite.
Stichtite Meaning in Ancient Lore and History
In 1910, stichtite was originally discovered in Dundas, Tasmania, Australia. It bears Robert Carl Sticht’s name, manager of the nearby Mt. Lyell copper mine. Stichtite is a mineral that is typically found with chromium and green serpentine. It ranges in colour from purple-pink to purplish rose-red.
Stichtite is a purple-pink to a purplish rose-red mineral that is produced by this mixture, and it also makes interesting specimens and beautiful carving stones. Some green serpentine, commonly known as Atlantisite or Tasmania, also contains dark purple stichtite inclusions. Intriguing examples and lovely ornamental stones for crafts result from this mix. It can be found in conjunction with green serpentine on Stichtite Hill, which is close to the Dundas Extended Mine in Dundas, east of Zeehan, as well as on the southern side of Macquarie Harbour.
Stichtite Healing Properties
- Stichtite may support patients suffering from a spinal injury, dementia, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s disease by regenerating neuronal networks.
- Stichtite promotes normal blood pressure values. Stress-related tension headaches or tense muscles may be relieved by Stitchtite.
- Stichtite facilitates digestion and might help stop emotional eating and bingeing. The healing qualities of stitchtite can also aid with hernias, dental and gum problems, stretch marks, and flexibility of the skin.
- According to legend, stitchite is a stone of forgiveness, restoration, and salvation. The gemstone is thought to promote feelings of compassion and love which help to cure unresolved issues and emotional problems. Stretch marks can be removed with the use of stichtite’s mending abilities.
- It can be quite beneficial for your attempts to lose weight and for your postpartum recovery.
- The rebuilding of brain networks that support dementia and spinal injuries can be greatly aided by stone.
- Additionally, it can aid in the treatment of hernias. lifestyle will be enhanced, and this stone will assist you in increasing your output and prosperity. self-discipline will be strengthened by the stone’s powers, enabling you to develop the necessary abilities. This will motivate one to put forth a lot of effort and maintain your focus since true prosperity does not come easily.
- This stone will show people how to live a happy and fulfilling life by teaching them how to be independent. According to legend, stitchite is a stone of forgiveness, restoration, and salvation.
- The gemstone is thought to promote feelings of compassion and love which help to cure unresolved issues and emotional problems. It is thought that calming stichtite radiates a vibration of compassion and forgiveness. As a consequence, it encourages empathy, harmony, and collaboration.
- By creating a protective bubble of light energy around the user, this gem is said to protect from negativity. To fulfil a task from that period in this lifetime, it is believed that meditation with Stichtite Sandstone will enable you to access abilities and information from an earlier life in Atlantis.
Stichtite Metaphysical Properties
- Stichtite is regarded as a stone of deliverance, restoration, and forgiveness. By encouraging feelings of love and compassion, the gemstone is said to aid in the healing of unresolved problems and emotional problems.
- Stichtite is used by metaphysical healers to help patients recover their mental and physical well-being following illness, depression, or emotional trauma. On the heart, third eye, and crown chakras, stichtite has a potent effect. You will be motivated to be more sincere, sympathetic, and forgiving by this stone. You’ll have the confidence to face your anxieties thanks to the energies of this stone
- Its energy will guide you on how to communicate with your significant other and let rid of ego-based problems. It is a stone that will boost your spirits, especially if you are going through a difficult situation.
- If you have trouble making connections with people or lack confidence. Stichtite is a stone of both physical and emotional fortitude that aids in a speedy recovery from disease, trauma, disappointment, rage, or sadness.
- One can observe and feel life from a joyous, innocent consciousness that is devoid of any expectations thanks to stitchite.
- The mineral stitchite serves as a reminder that our angelic guardians and highest guides are by our side constantly.
- Stichtite’s soothing energetic vibrations reduce feelings of lonesomeness, segregation, and isolation.
- Stichtite aids in letting go of intransigence and fostering an openness to the emergence of novel and fascinating interactions. Shyness and reluctance are banished by Stichtite. The catchphrase of Stichtite crystal is “Life is too short.”
Stichtite Benefits
- The strength of this stone, which is often referred to as the stone of forgiveness, also protects you from harmful energies.
- It aids in developing empathy towards both oneself and other people who have treated you unfairly in the past. You have a fantastic experience of opportunities for love that comes with forgiveness thanks to the stone’s ability.
- Additionally, it softens your attitude, making you more adaptable in a relationship. After using this stone, you will no longer be obstinate and will see more prospects for professional and interpersonal progress.
- By using stone, you can get rid of your hesitation and learn to experience life to the utmost.
- Stichtite allows one to let go of feelings of isolation, solitude, and separation and is very effective in battling sadness, anger, disappointment, and other negative emotions as well as illnesses or trauma.
- One would be able to live your life to the fullest without any expectations if one possess this stone. The mineral stitchite aids in your awareness of the existence of angels, spiritual guides, and other spiritual entities in the upper realms.
- This beautiful purple-pink stone encourages communication with your higher consciousness. It is a great stone to use when practising crystal meditation. It helps you establish a connection with your deepest self, often known as the Divine Presence.
- Stichtite will assist you in becoming conscious of your unfavourable attitudes, feelings, and thoughts that are holding you back from fulfilling your ambitions.
- Serpentine is thought to help calm the emotional body and help people let go of their fear of adversity and change.
- As a result, it encourages us to approach the future with optimism and openness. It is also said to have information about the Earth’s past, fairy domains, and the planet’s Devic worlds. It is said to assist us in establishing a connection with Nature’s heart and mind.
- This stone has historically been used to open blocked energy centres and activate the Kundalini.
- Stichtite shields your mental body and increases your physical resiliency to shield you from negativity.
Stichtite Benefits Spirituality
- Stichtite is thought to help calm the emotional body and relieve stress and dread of suffering. As a result, it encourages us to look forward with optimism and a sense of openness.
- The past of the Earth, the fairy worlds, and the planet’s Devic realms are also said to be contained there. It is thought to assist us in developing a relationship with Nature’s heart and mind.
- This stone has historically been employed for energy centre clearing and Kundalini activation.
- Stichtite is thought to help calm the emotional body and help people let go of their fear of adversity and change. As a result, it encourages us to approach the future with optimism and openness. It is also said to have information about the Earth’s past, fairy domains, and the planet’s Devic worlds. It is said to assist us in establishing a connection with Nature’s heart and mind.
- This stone has historically been used to open blocked energy centres and activate the Kundalini. Additionally, it is a stone that will shield you from psychic harm and keep you safe from other people’s unfavourable opinions.
- This stone will assist you in discovering the greatest answers and bringing about heart healing while you are dealing with emotional issues. One’ll be motivated to show more warmth and playfulness, and the boundaries preventing you from extending your friendship and love to others will crumble.
- Stichtite will encourage the movement of kundalini energies in healing grids and crystal body layouts. From the base of your spine to the top of your head, the sluggish or sleeping energies will be removed.
- By fostering emotions of love, empathy, tolerance, and the alleviation of emotional discomfort, stitchite also aids in the healing of unresolved difficulties. The stone is part of a collection that aids in raising the kundalini to the crown chakra from the base of the spine.
- Kindles Love – The lovely stone connects the wearer spiritually and expresses the power of the purple ray. This promotes emotional recovery and aids in the process of forgiving others. This stone has a powerful vibration to deal with emotional concerns, which aids in forgiving previous wrongdoings.
- Stichtite can be used for spiritual healing if it is paired with Sugilite and Pink Amethyst, which contain the energy of the violet flame. The stones’ mental protection is increased when they are coupled with Amethyst crystals or Black Tourmaline.
Stichtite & Feng Shui
Stichtite is a gemstone that carries the vibration of compassion, compassion, empathy, and psychological wisdom that will motivate you to be kind to both yourself and other people. It promotes physical and mental balance. You can find calm, peace, and tranquilly with this stone. It makes sense why it’s such a strong meditation stone.
You are building a life and a setting of tranquilly when you utilise this stone frequently for meditation. It will have a beneficial impact on you, the people around you, and the surroundings. Stichtite meditation will also help you become more conscious of your own emotions. It will work to benefit you as long as it is in your auric field.
Stichtite as a Birthstone
The Virgo zodiac stone, stitchite, helps you become aware of the unfavourable feelings and attitudes that prevent you from achieving your goals. The birthstone of Stichtite is reportedly reserved for those born in August and September. People born in August and September are blessed with gorgeous pink energy from the gemstone.
Stichtite Chakras
- Stichtite’s extremely loving vibration has a significant impact on the Heart and Thymus Chakras. It is a great stone for handling unresolved issues since it inspires emotions of love, compassion, and understanding.
- It’s a stone that can aid in your emotional trauma recovery. The exquisite stone stitchite absorbs the energy of the purple ray and forges a strong spiritual bond.
- Stichtite’s extremely loving vibration has a significant impact on the Heart and Thymus Chakras.
- It’s a stone that can aid in your emotional trauma recovery. The exquisite stone stitchite absorbs the energy of the purple ray and forges a strong spiritual bond. It aids in raising the kundalini energy, which is located at the base or root chakra of the spine.
- The spinal column serves as a conduit for the energy as it travels up the entire body to the crown chakra, the highest physical chakra.
- Additionally, stichtite links the crown, third eye, and heart chakras. Additionally promotes the power of forgiveness and compassion. This ability of stichtite enables a person to love themselves as well as repair a serious emotional hurt. It is a fantastic stone for handling unresolved issues.
What are the Uses of Stichtite?
- Stichtite is a wonderful stone for those who devote their lives to spiritual service because it helps people connect with their higher selves, often known as the “Magic Presence.”
- Stichtite is a great stone to wear or carry because it promotes compassion and stops negative self-talk.
- For Indigo youngsters with ADHD or other related spiritual illnesses, stitchite offers tremendous energetic help.
- Stichtite increases the movement of kundalini energies in crystal body layouts or healing grids, from the “sleeping” energies curled up at the base of the spine up through the chakras to the crown of the head.
- Stichtite links the energies of compassion, compassion, and spiritual enlightenment with the heart and crown chakras. Stichtite stimulates the crown and third eye, and it opens the third eye.
- The lovely stone stitchite can be beneficial to you in several ways, especially if you live a life of spiritual service. It will assist you in establishing a connection with your spiritual life and serve as a reminder that heavenly guardian angels always are watching over you.
- This stone will educate you to become more empathetic, thus you should always keep it with you. Your tendency to negative self-talk will go.
Caring for Stichtite
When to Cleanse Stichtite?
With a Mohs hardness range of 1-1/2 to 2, stitchite is extremely delicate and needs to be handled carefully. Utilize a soft, dry towel to remove stichtite. Wash with a soft brush or cloth and warm, soapy water. Dry completely. Applying aggressive cleaning agents like acid and bleach is not recommended. Avoid using steam or ultrasonic cleaners.
How to Recharge Your stichtite?
Stichtite stones need to be frequently removed. While sage smudging and moonlight charging are excellent cleansing methods for stitchite, there are many other options as well.
Stichtite Activation process
Chromium-containing Serpentinite rocks are a byproduct of secondary or metamorphic transformation. In Serpentine bedrock, stitchite frequently grows. The word Atlantic also applies to this combination. White Calcite, Antigorite, and Barbertonite can all be found alongside stichtite.
How much is Stichtite worth?
It’s worth around $22
What determines Stichtite’s price and value?
Stichtite’s unique properties determine its price and value:
- A hydrated magnesium chromium carbonate mineral called stichtite is typically found in metamorphic and igneous rocks.
- As a byproduct of serpentine that contains chromite, stichtite is created.
- Stichtite is primarily found in Australia, although it has also been discovered in other countries like Brazil, Canada, India, Morocco, Russia, Scotland, and Sweden.
Stichtite’s Properties are-
- It is a group of hydrocalcite
- Chemical Structure- Mg6Cr2CO3(OH)164H2O
- Colour of stichtite – Rose-pink, lilac, light violet, and purple
- 1-1/2 to 2 in. in (Mohs)
- 2.11 to 2.20 specific gravity
- 1.516 to 1.544 Refractive Index
Stichtite Impact
Stichtite is a stone of emotional openness and inner calm. It calms frazzled minds and promotes relaxation. A relaxed condition allows for the mobilisation of new energy. Although the Stichtite has calm energy, at the correct time, it can support critical and major actions. Stichtite offers stability in turbulent times.
One might suppose that Stichtite’s typical properties are harmoniously complemented by Calcite’s effect of quickening development and encouraging steadfastness and self-confidence.
Does Stichtite make a good jewellery stone?
Stichtite is best used in jewellery designs that won’t be subjected to accidental strikes or impacts due to its low hardness. Rings and bracelets will put more strain on stichtite gemstones than necklaces and earrings will. Stichite’s pinkish undertones can be contrasted with darker materials like black onyx or HemalykeTM. In contrast, light-coloured gemstones like morganite, rose quartz, and rhodonite can be used to enhance the pink, as can similar hues like violet and lilac. It’s a really powerful stone to carry around in your pocket or handbag or wear as jewellery.
Stichtite Real vs Fake
Charoite and Sugilite can be mistaken for stitchite. The difference in hardness between Stichtite (Mohs hardness 2–2.5) and Sugilite (hardness 5–6) is the simplest way to tell them apart (hardness 5.5 – 6). Stichtite has a matte finish, while Charoite and Sugilite have a glassy to silky lustre. In contrast to Charoite and Sugilite, Stichtite typically has a more homogenous violet tint.
Summary of Stichtite
Name of Crystal | Stichtite |
Precious | Yes |
Semi-Precious | Yes |
Other Names | Tasmanite |
Origin(s) | Tasmania, Australia |
Color(s) | Lilac, Rose-Pink |
Formation | It is formed as an alteration product of chromite containing serpentine, it occurs in association with barbertonite |
Majorly Found at | South Africa, Canada, Tasmania in Australia |
Zodiac Suited for | Virgo |
Chakra | Heart Chakra |
Crystal Meaning | Thought to help heal unresolved issues and emotional issues by promoting feelings of love and compassion, rescue, recovery and forgiveness |
Types of Crystal | Trigonal |
Healing Properties | Can aid with hernias, dental and gum problems, stretch marks, and flexibility of the skin. |
Health Benefits | Support patients suffering from a spinal injury, dementia, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s disease by regenerating neuronal networks. |
Uses | Stichtite increases the movement of kundalini energies in crystal body |
Goes in Water? | Yes |
Goes in Salt Water? | Yes |
Goes in Rain Water? | Yes |
Goes in Moon Water? | Yes |
Moh’s Scale | 1 – 2.5 |
Real | Stichtite has a matte finish |
Fake | Glassy to silky lustre |
How do I know if I have Stichtite?
The colour and other characteristics of Stitchite can be used to identify it. This stone can be found in many locations, and it comes in a variety of colours, including light pink, medium hot pink, deep purple, and many hues in between. This stone has a really sweet vibration and a very smooth, almost soapy feel to it. Stichtite has a Mohs hardness range of 1-1/2 to 2, making it exceedingly soft.
How much is Stichtite per carat?
It approximates ranges from $9 to $14
What is Stichtite made of?
Additionally, igneous and metamorphic rocks contain the mineral stichtite, which is a hydrated form of magnesium chromium carbonate. As a byproduct of serpentine that contains chromite, stichtite is created.
Where can Stichtite be found?
Stichtite can be found in
- Canada’s Black Lake in Quebec.
- Green serpentine intermingled in Dundas, Tasmania.
- Algeria, Transvaal, South Africa.
How rare are Stichtite mines?
A magnesium carbonate-hydroxide compound called stichtite is rare.