Ulexite Meaning: Healing Properties, Benefits and Uses

Ulexite also referred to as TV rock or Television stone, is a mineral that typically appears as parallel fibres or as silky white spherical crystalline masses of sodium calcium borate hydroxide (NaCaB5O6(OH)65H2O) Via internal reflection, ulexite’s natural fibres transmit light along their long axes. Georg Ludwig Ulex (1811–1833), a German scientist, is credited with discovering ulexite, which was given his name.
A member of the carbonate class of minerals, ulexite is a hydrated sodium calcium borate hydroxide mineral. Ulexite crystals have a silky lustre and are fibrous, transparent to translucent, and white, grey, or colourless. Minerals including borax, colemanite, hydroboracite, and other borate minerals co-occur with ulexite. Borax and the mineral ulexite are found together, and ulexite is deposited directly from intermittent water evaporation in desert locations called playas lakes.
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What is Ulexite?
The basic structure of ulexite contains chains of sodium, water, and hydroxide octahedra. Ulexite is a physically complicated mineral. Massive boron units, polyhedra of calcium, water, hydroxide, and oxygen, and these elements form the links between the chains. The boron units are composed of three boron atoms and have the formula [B5O6(OH)6]3-. Two borate triangular groups and three borate tetrahedra make up their structure.
The acicular crystals of ulexite, which precipitate as a “cotton ball” tuft of ulexite, are typically found in evaporite deposits. The minerals ulexite, colemanite, borax, meyerhofferite, hydroboracite, probertite, glauberite, trona, mirabilite, calcite, gypsum, and halite are frequently found together.
Due to the market rarity of this stone, obtaining it is more difficult. Ulexite helps one to cultivate the ability to see in the future or the distant past distance. Their energy also fosters the growth of a variety of other psychic abilities.
How to Identify Ulexite?
- Due to its remarkable optical properties, ulexite is also referred to as TV rock. Ulexite fibres function as optical fibres, transmitting light through internal reflection along their lengths.
- A high-quality specimen of ulexite will show an image of whatever surface is next to it when cut with smooth polished faces perpendicular to the direction of the fibres.
- Ulexite is a mineral with a complicated structural makeup that is frequently found in evaporative deposits and is formed when water evaporates.
- Although the majority of stones used for metaphysical reasons are white, spherical crystals, this process sometimes results in a tuft of acicular crystals that resembles a cotton ball. These fascinating minerals’ optical fibres have a distinct structure that results in an uncommon optical phenomenon
- A peculiar optical characteristic of ulexite that G. Donald Garlick initially noticed is the ability to produce concentric rings of light when held up to a light source (1991). This effect can be achieved by shining a laser pointer through a chunk of ulexite at a slightly oblique angle.
- Ulexite has low relief, thin sections, and is colourless and non-pleochroic. Ulexite is biaxial optically because it is triclinic. Interference figures result in addition on the isogyre’s concave side, making ulexite biaxially positive.
- Ulexite frequently takes the shape of tiny, spherical lumps that resemble cotton balls. Although crystals are uncommon, they can form fibrous, elongated crystals that are either oriented radially or parallel to one another. Crystals can also have acicular shapes that resemble needles.
Ulexite Cuts
Ulexite crystals are transparent to translucent, fibrous, white, grey, or colourless, and have a silky lustre. Numerous pounds worth of nodules can be found. There has never been found faceting material; the material has always been cut as cabochons. Attractive Catseye cabochon gems are carved out of fibrous material, but they are merely curious because they are far too soft and delicate to be worn.
Ulexite Shapes
A high-quality specimen of ulexite will show an image of whatever surface is next to it when cut with flat polished faces perpendicular to the direction of the fibres. It either stops light from travelling very far or that, despite the rough material’s appearance of producing fine optical material, cutting and polishing reveals that the fibres are not particularly parallel, which also restricts optical transmission. The largest crystal is around 6 inches.
The majority of this tiny Ulexite is found in the muck. It either stops light from travelling very far or that, despite the rough material’s appearance of producing fine optical material, cutting and polishing reveals that the fibres are not particularly parallel, which also restricts optical transmission. Ulexite’s longest piece of TV rock yet seen is around 6 inches.
Where is Ulexite Found?
- The acicular crystals of ulexite, which precipitate as a “cotton ball” tuft of ulexite, are typically found in evaporite deposits. The minerals ulexite, colemanite, borax, meyerhofferite, hydroboracite, probertite, glauberite, trona, mirabilite, calcite, gypsum, and halite are frequently found together.
- It is primarily found in Kazakhstan, the Tarapacá Region of Chile, California, and Nevada in the United States.
- Ulexite can also be discovered in a bedding habit resembling a network of closely spaced fibrous crystals. It can be found in Kazakhstan, Chile, and the United States.
- The mountains and deserts of Nevada and California, USA, are where ulexite is found.
- Additionally, Russia, Peru, Kazakhstan, Chile, Canada, and Argentina have deposits.
Ulexite Stone Meaning
The name Ulexite, which also goes by the name TV rock or stone, was given to the mineral after the German chemist George L. Ulex. George Ulex determined the chemical composition. Hydrated sodium calcium borate hydroxide, often known as borax, makes up its mineral composition.
They are most frequently found as spherical, white crystal masses, while some specimens feature areas of semi-clear material. The largest amounts of this stone are found in dry areas, such as the American deserts. One of the main sources of the stone, which is formed in Death Valley’s dry climate in the Californian Mountains, is the U.S. borax mine in Boron, California’s Kramer District.
Ulexite Meaning in Ancient Lore and History
Since George Ludwig Ulex, after whom the mineral was named, conducted the first chemical examination of the mineral in 1840, ulexite has been accepted as a legitimate mineral. In the Lower Carboniferous evaporate deposits of the Atlantic Provinces of Canada, Henry How, a professor at King’s College in Windsor, Nova Scotia, found borate minerals in 1857. He recognised the existence of a fibrous borate that he called nitro-boro-calcite but was ulexite (Papezik and Fong, 1975).
In 1940, Murdoch studied ulexite crystallography. Clark and Christ revised the crystallography in 1959, and their research also produced the first powder x-ray diffraction examination of ulexite. Weichel-Moore explained ulexite’s outstanding fibre optic properties in 1963.
Both Potter and Weichel-Moore. Their research brought attention to the fact that crystalline formations with technologically necessary properties do exist in nature. Lastly, in 1964, Clark and Appleman provided an accurate description of the structure of ulexite.
Due to its ability to transmit light via internal reflection, ulexite is also known as TV Rock. Since it is a natural fibre optic, when you place something over it, the image on the stone’s surface can be transmitted. Weichel-Moore and Potter discovered and explained Ulexite’s fibre optic properties in 1963.
Ulexite Crystal Healing Properties
- Ulexite crystals are recognised to provide a variety of Healing properties-
- The benefits of ulexite elixir for the skin and eyes are well documented. Your skin can be cleaned and made transparent, and wrinkles can be avoided or reduced.
- It can also help you regain and fortify your mental and physical equilibrium. Utilize it to enhance pineal and brain activities.
- It is also a great help to identify the root of a problem, which may help you discover a solution to the issues you are now facing.
- The ability of ulexite allows one to see into another person’s heart and understand their thoughts and feelings.
- They are thought to shine light from within into the eyes, giving them glitter and brightness.
- They are supposed to relieve headaches, maybe help with nervous system issues, and improve memory.
- They are helpful crystals for healing and recovery because of their relaxing nature. These are also a stone of ageing because you can produce a potion from the stone to combat wrinkles. The stones are also renowned for helping people interpret their dreams and are excellent meditation crystals.
- Although less frequent than certain stones, ulexite can help you gain a variety of important skills.
Ulexite Properties
Three structural groups, isolated pentaborate polyanions, calcium-coordinated polyhedra, and sodium-coordinated octahedra, are present in ulexite crystals. These groups are connected and cross-linked by hydrogen bonds. Ulexite frequently takes the shape of tiny, spherical lumps that resemble cotton balls. Although crystals are uncommon, they may form fibrous, elongated crystals that are either oriented radially or parallel to one another. This stone often has a white tint, and some stones contain a few patches here and there.
Ulexite Metaphysical Properties
- A magical energy amplifier. This stone’s pure vibration promotes the development of physical abilities and strengthens the light body. it raises vibration while establishing a connection with divine wisdom, which helps in the retrieval of old knowledge.
- It is a helpful tool for healers since it enables them to read and comprehend the energy of people. helps one to discover solutions and realise life’s reality. uses purely white light to drive away negativity. enhances the ability to manifest by focusing and directing the creative intention.
- Your innate intuition is brought to life by ulexite. It makes the “self” more aware of the sphere of consciousness surrounding and extending beyond the body and enhances your capacity to discern other people’s intentions and energies.
- The brain processes can be accelerated with ulexite, enabling one to see the solutions to Instant solving difficult issues. This stone can hasten your understanding of fact-based subjects including multiple languages, arithmetic, science, and engineering.
Ulexite Benefits
- This stone has a potent ability to inspire and stimulate the imagination. It will assist anyone you’ve been experiencing creative blocks and will help one to free up the dream.
- It enables one to discern truth and energy that you would not have noticed before.
- This mineral has a strong vibration and helps you discover who you are. Ulexite also stimulates psychic skills in everyone through sleep deprivation or meditation. It is a powerful amplifier that produces projections thanks to its use of a high vibrational energy field.
- Ulexite encourages you to cultivate the ability to look into the future or the past long distance.
- Their energy also fosters the growth of a variety of other psychic abilities.
- Its vibration has the power to encourage telepathy and to help you understand the energy and thoughts of others.
Ulexite Benefits Spirituality
- The stone of long vision is ulexite. It can improve your capacity to accurately analyse your visions and psychic information, as well as aid, and unclog physical and psychic vision.
- Visual pictures, visions, and knowledge from other dimensions and planets are inspired and stimulated by ulexite.
- It provides access to fresh and other realms. This stone makes it easier to visualise healing and creation. It facilitates willed changes in reality.
- By being able to visualise them and then make them actual, it has been known to open up new options and realities in your life. It will support manifesting and support that manifesting’s accuracy.
- Ulexite gives you the much-needed objectivity and clarity by bringing things into focus on the inner and spiritual planes. It’ll benefit you to recognise the significance of dreams and visions.
- Ulexite emits a significant amount of spiritual energy.
- Ulexite’s potent energies can assist a person gain the mental clarity and emotional balance they need to handle thoughts and emotions more effectively.
- The stone provides access to its spiritual qualities by facilitating deeper connections with both your guardian angels and the divine realm.
- Ulexite gives you the fortitude and tenacity to overcome the obstacles in your path and never lose focus on what’s important you’re going for, despite how difficult the route may appear to be.
Ulexite & Feng Shui
Ulexite encourages inner reflection and connection with your inner wisdom while enhancing dreamwork and meditation. It encourages the discovery of other planets and perception beyond the scope of human sight. Having telepathic and clairvoyant powers makes it more likely that you will speak with distant spirits and guides.
Furthermore, it will realign and regain the lost equilibrium in your aura. Your heart and intellect will be clear thanks to this stone. the mind will remain sharp and open, and the heart will remain humble capacity for visualisation will improve, as will your ability to expel bad energy if it is put on the third eye. auras will be in alignment and the Yin and Yang energies are balanced.
Ulexite Birthstone
The third eye chakra stone ulexite is very helpful for assisting you on your spiritual path. It has the power to encourage introspection and reveal hidden patterns so you can notice them. The birthstone Of ulexite is Gemini. You can alter your realities with the use of the Ulexite stone’s energies. One will gain the determination to keep going as well as the motivation to keep trying.
Ulexite Chakras
The Crown Chakra and the Third Eye (Brow) Chakra are chakras connected to Ulexite. To know the best crystals for Crown Chakra, click here. The chakras are vertically oriented and located close to the spine. They are the body’s natural energy centres. The base and head (heaven) are the two points of entry for energy (earth). These forces interact at the seven chakras’ vortex points, creating unique energy patterns in each one. To help with the spiritual path, ulexite is a third eye chakra stone that is very helpful. Internal reflection can be aided by it, and it also has the power to reveal hidden patterns so you can perceive them.
One may become more receptive to communicating with beings from other realms if you have a third eye chakra. It is an effective stone that can help you strengthen your psychic abilities in general and your ability to read people’s minds in particular the capacity for prescience.
This helps to open you up to letting particular types of images come through into your mind because it engages the third eye and the pineal gland in a specific way. This stone has a potent ability to inspire and stimulate the imagination. It will assist you if you are experiencing creative blocks and will help you to free up your imagination.
What are the Uses of Ulexite?
- A stone called ulexite might help you link your thoughts and feelings. This stone will assist in seeing, comprehending, and processing your ideas and emotions more effectively.
- This stone can help you be more creative and may allow an abundance of imaginative ideas to enter your conscious thinking.
- It is also a great help to identify the root of a problem, which may help you discover a solution to the issues you are now facing.
- The ability of ulexite let you see into another person’s heart and understand their thoughts and feelings.
- Intuition will also grow because of Ulexite and develop your telepathic talent.
- Ulexite is a potent stone that will stimulate your imagination and enrich your life with inspiration. It will also support the development of your other psychic abilities.
Caring for Ulexite
When to Cleanse Ulexite
The mineral ulexite is largely insoluble in water, however, it will break down and dissolves in hot water. When compared to certain other gemstones, it is incredibly delicate and has a low density. Use only lukewarm water and mild soap while washing this stone.
How to Recharge Your Ulexite
One should regularly cleanse and discharge your Ulexite stone in order to keep it transparent and light. Use an Amethyst or other rock crystal to charge it.
Ulexite Activation Process
Use subliminal messaging, which I found to be a very effective method of doing if you’d like to increase your capacity to make use of the energy of this stone. Ulexite crystals and other activities that are engaged in can be combined with this. Subliminal messages deliver potent messages to your subconscious while being hardly perceptible.
They are incredibly simple to use because you may have them running in the background while using your computer every day. Investing in subliminal message audio CDs is beneficial since it encourages good things to happen in your life.
How much is Ulexite worth?
Ulexite”s price ranges from $13-$14. A metric tonne of natural ulexite costs Rs. 12,000.
What determines Ulexite’s price and value?
Ulexite’s price is determined by its unique properties-
- Nesoborate group
- Crystal Method: Triclinic
- Ingredients: NaCaB5O6(OH)6•5 (H2O)
- Shape/Process: Acicular to fibrous
- 2.5 Hardness
- Perfect on 010, good on 110, and mediocre on 110.
- Broken: Uneven
- Smooth or satin sheen in fibrous aggregates with a vitreous lustre
- White-specific streak Gravity is 1.95 to 1.96
- Transparency: From clear to dim
- Color: White to colourless
Ulexite Impact
Ulexite inclusion lowers the temperature at which zircon fragments and makes it possible to synthesise mullite-zirconia composites at significantly lower temperatures than with combinations lacking ulexite. The polarization of light into slow and fast beams within each fibre, an internal reflection of the slow ray, and refraction of the fast ray into the slow ray of an adjacent fibre are what cause the fibre-optic effect.
An intriguing result of obliquely illuminating fibres with a laser beam is the formation of three cones, two of which are polarised. When looking through the mineral at a light source, one may see these cones. Since boron compounds are utilised to make materials for numerous industrial sectors, the ulexite’s boron content is of commercial importance. Most commonly, boron is utilised in the production of heat-resistant borosilicate glasses like classic Pyrex, automotive headlights, and laboratory glassware, as well as fibreglass.
Does Ulexite make a Good Jewelry Stone?
They are too delicate to wear, though one might if they wanted to, making them unsuitable as jewellery stones. The fibrous substance creates intriguing Catseye cabochon jewels, but they are only interesting as curiosities because they are far too soft and delicate to be worn. However, the eye has a lot of power.
Ulexite, which consists of densely packed parallel fibres, can occasionally be found in seams. These exhibit the characteristic of fibre optics and are transparent over their whole length. The packed aggregates behave like a network of parallel glass fibres.
Ulexite Real vs Fake
Ulexite’s crystal can be identified as real as One can perceive concentric rings of light if you hold a polished slice directly in front of your eye and look at a point source of light. This effect can be achieved by shining a laser pointer through a chunk of ulexite at a slightly oblique angle. ulexite, which is a common sight at mineral and gem exhibitions and can be purchased in small polished pieces for as little as ten cents per gramme.
While satin spar gypsum is frequently virtually crystal clear, ulexite frequently has black and white impurities that prevent it from being completely transparent. You can clearly notice the difference by bringing the specimens close to a light source. Additionally, interior fissures are more common with satin spar gypsum. it has a very low specific gravity of 1.95
How do I know if I have Ulexite?
Ulexite fibres function as optical fibres and, by internal reflection, emit light along their axes. Ulexite can also be found in a bedding habit that resembles veins and is made up of tightly packed fibrous crystals. In order to transport from one side of the specimen to the other, the fibres will act like optical fibres. Moisturised sodium calcium borate makes up its composition.
How much is Ulexite per carat?
12000/metric tonne for natural ulexite
What is Ulexite made of?
The basic structure of ulexite contains chains of sodium, water, and hydroxide octahedra. Ulexite is a physically complicated mineral. Massive boron units, polyhedra of calcium, water, hydroxide, and oxygen, and these elements form the links between the chains. Due to the presence of boron and oxygen in its chemical composition (NaCaB5O6(OH)65H2O), it is a borate mineral.
Where can Ulexite be found?
The mineral ulexite, which is also found with borax, is immediately deposited in dry areas by the loss of moisture in sporadic lakes known as playas. In addition to Halite, Calcite, Trona, Colmanite, Borax, Hydroboracite, Glauberite, Mirabilite, Meyerhofferite, Gypsum, and Probertite, Ulexite is frequently found in association with these minerals. It can be found in Kazakhstan, Chile, and the United States. The mountains and deserts of Nevada and California USA, are where ulexite is found. Additionally, Russia, Bolivia, Kazakhstan, Chile, Canada, and Argentina have deposits.
How rare are Ulexite mines?
Ulexite crystals are uncommon, they can form fibrous, elongated crystals that are either oriented radially or parallel to one another. A rare borate mineral called ulexite is extremely comparable to hydroboracite.